Secure Underwater acoustic communication based on a robust key generation scheme

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Underwater acoustic communications have found applications in many fields with great developments. Thus, the demand for security of such communications is rapidly growing. Two parties in the communication, after authentication, generally use a secure symmetric key to encrypt all the data they transmit. Thus, an efficient key generation algorithm is in urgent need to guarding the privacy of the communication data. This paper presents a novel key generation system which is easy to be implemented, efficient in computation and communication, and robust to the spatio-temporal variable ocean environments. Un- like those conventional solutions, by exploiting reciprocity, deep fades, randomness extractor and robust secure fuzzy information reconciliators, which is first introduced by us in this paper, channel characteristics are used to generate the key in our solution.

Titel2008 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2008
Antal sider4
ISBN (Trykt)9781424421794
StatusUdgivet - 2008
Eksternt udgivetJa
Begivenhed2008 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2008 - Beijing, Kina
Varighed: 26 okt. 200829 okt. 2008


Konference2008 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2008
NavnInternational Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP

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