Tuning Stochastic Gradient Algorithms for Statistical Inference via Large-Sample Asymptotics

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  • Jeffrey Negrea
  • Yang, Jun
  • Haoyue Feng
  • Daniel M. Roy
  • Jonathan H. Huggins
The tuning of stochastic gradient algorithms (SGAs) for optimization and sampling is often based on heuristics and trial-and-error rather than generalizable theory. We address this theory--practice gap by characterizing the large-sample statistical asymptotics of SGAs via a joint step-size--sample-size scaling limit. We show that iterate averaging with a large fixed step size is robust to the choice of tuning parameters and asymptotically has covariance proportional to that of the MLE sampling distribution. We also prove a Bernstein--von Mises-like theorem to guide tuning, including for generalized posteriors that are robust to model misspecification. Numerical experiments validate our results and recommendations in realistic finite-sample regimes. Our work lays the foundation for a systematic analysis of other stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for a wide range of models.
UdgiverarXiv preprint
Antal sider42
StatusUdgivet - 2023


  • stat.CO, cs.LG, stat.ME, stat.ML

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