Preprints 1993
- Preprint 1993 - No 2 Stockmarr, A., Jacobsen, M. - Gaussian Diffusions and Autoregressive Processes, Weak---.pdf
- Preprint 1993 - No 1 Hansen, Henrik, Johansen, Søren - Recursice Estimation n Cointegrated VAR-Models.pdf
- Preprint 1993 - No 3 Nishio, Atsushi - Testing for a Unit Root Against Local Alternatives.pdf
- Preprint 1993 - No 4 Tjur, Tue - StatUnit - An Anternative to Statistical Packages.pdf
- Preprint 1993 - No 5 Johansen, Søren - Likelihood Based Inference for Cointegration of Non-Stationary Time Series.pdf