About the Department of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Mathematical Sciences conducts internationally competitive research and education of candidates in pure mathematics and applied mathematics and statistics.
The department has (March 2025) employed 57 associate professors, assistant professors and professors; 50 postdocs, 67 PhD students and 10 in administration. In addition, nine affiliate professors and 16 emeriti are associated.
In Oct. 2021 we had 1,158 students studying at the department's four programs (470 Mathematics, 306 Mathematics-Economics, 296 Actuarial Mathematics and 86 Statistics).
Core Secretariate:
1st floor in building 4 (the E-building).
Opening hours Monday to Friday 08.30-12.00 a.m. and 13.00-15.00 p.m.
See employees in the administration.
Head of Department:
Mogens Steffensen, phone +45 28 91 37 58, head.of.department@math.ku.dk
Deputy Head of Research:
Mikael Rørdam, phone +45 51 36 30 32, E-mail: VILF@math.ku.dk
Deputy Head of Teaching:
Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen, phone +45 35 33 51 61, E-mail: VILU-math@math.ku.dk
Head of Department Secretariat:
Maya Jepsen, phone +45 35 32 91 49, E-mail: maya.jepsen@math.ku.dk
Head of sections
Niels Richard Hansen: Statistics and Probability Theory
Jesper Grodal: Algebra & Geometry
Henrik Laurberg Pedersen: Analysis & Quantum
Mogens Bladt: Insurance and Economics
Head of Studies
Fabien Pazuki: undergraduate programmes in mathematics, insurance mathematics and mathematics-economics.
Magdalena Musat: master's programme in mathematics.
David Skovmand: master's programmes in insurance mathematics, mathematics-economics and statistics.
Jan Phillip Solovej: master's programme in quantum information science
PhD coordinators
AG+QA: Morten S. Risager, phone (+45) 35 32 07 56, risager@math.ku.dk
SPT+IE: Helle Sørensen, phone (+45) 35 33 78 05, helle@math.ku.dk
Postdoc coordinator:
Niels-Martin Møller, phone (+45) 35 33 34 35, NMoller@math.ku.dk
Industrial collaboration coordinator
Mogens Steffensen, phone (+45) 35 32 07 89, head.of.department@math.ku.dk
International coordinator
Suzanne Andersen, phone (+45) 35 32 70 57, suzanne@math.ku.dk