Binomial trio wins gold in China
In the spring they won a first prize in the Young Scientists talent contest. They won a trip to the open Asian Championship for young inventors, CASTIC, in China. Here they were so convincing that they once again won gold and glory.

Sebastian Holdum far left in the front row accepted the award on behalf of the trio.
Peter Rasmussen, Frederick Klausen (second year undergraduates from MATH) and Sebastian Holdum (from NBI) - 20, 19 and 20years old - won the prize for their work with hitherto unsolved mathematical problem concerning binomial coefficients.
- It is a problem that has remained unresolved for 40 years. We then got some new results that are better than those previously seen, says Sebastian to the newspaper JyllandsPosten.
From our article about the Danish contest, we would like to reiterate Professor Søren Eilers explanation of their work:
- The issues they have addressed is whether one can be sure that either 4 or 9 goes up in the middle binomial coefficient (2n)! / (N!) ^ 2 when n is not in {1,2,3,4 ,64,256}. It is known that the numbers are never squarefree.
It impressed Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao, himself a mathematician. The vice president, who are very focused on the Chinese capabilities in mathematics, presented the awards.
Photos by Mikkel Stoklund