Jonas Peters to receive new Leadership Award
The award has been created by COPSS, which is a committee of the presidents of the North American Statistical Societies, including the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
Jonas Peters is a professor of statistics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, affiliated with the section for Statistics and Probability Theory and the research group Copenhagen Causality Lab.
- Congratulations to Jonas Peters on this unique honour. His selection for the COPSS Leadership Academy shows that also in North America Jonas is considered to be among the emerging leaders in statistics and data science, who will help shape the future of the subject, says Head of Department Michael Sørensen, Department of Mathematical Sciences.
A committee of prominent statisticians has, based on nominations from around the globe, selected nine early-career statistical scientists, who will be the first members of the academy for three years. In steady-state, the Academy will have at most 25 members.
- The Academy is a brand new initiative by COPSS and its friends' societies to recognize new and diverse voices of emerging leaders in Statistics and Data Science. This honour is to recognize individuals who we believe are going to shape and strengthen the future of our field, says COPSS Chair Bhramar Mukherjee.
The selection criteria for the award are intentionally broad and designed to highlight contributions in areas not traditionally recognized by other early career awards in the statistical sciences.
The academy members represent Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia University, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Mount Sinai, Pennsylvania State University, Urban Institute, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Copenhagen.
- Everyone in the department can be happy and proud that Jonas has been selected to be a member of the COPSS Leadership Academy. The membership will attract further international attention to his research, and will give him a platform for interaction with the best researchers of his generation and for sharing his visions for statistical science, thereby influencing its development, says Michael Sørensen.
- I am honoured to become part of this academy. To me, the nomination values the research of the whole group - many thanks to everyone who contributed! I am looking forward to contributing to the academy and hope that we can do something useful during the coming years, says Jonas Peters.
Read more about the COPSS Leadership Academy
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Professor in statistics
Jonas Peters