Marie Curie grants to Spaas and Olivieri
Two postdocs - from Italy and Belgium - have won a competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, which they will carry at our department during the next two years.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) supports the opportunity for researchers to do research abroad. The monetary value of each grant is a bit more than 1.5 million DKK.
Read more about the Research Fellowship Programme.
Pieter Patrick B Spaas - Group Stability and Quantum Information Theory
Pieter is working as a postdoc in the Analysis & Quantum Section. Pieter’s interests have mainly developed around operator algebras and ergodic theory. However, they extend to several adjacent areas as well, including group theory and descriptive set theory.
Pieter is from Belgium and received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Hasselt University and KU Leuven (Belgium) respectively. He subsequently earned his PhD in 2019 from UC San Diego (USA) under the supervision of Professor Adrian Ioana, and was an Assistant Adjunct Professor at UCLA before moving to Copenhagen.
The focus of this MSCA research project, mentored by Prof. Magdalena Musat, concerns stability properties for groups and their connections with quantum information theory. Intuitively, a mathematical object is stable when approximate properties are "close" to actual properties. Examples include approximate representations of groups and near-optimal strategies for non-local games in quantum information theory. In relation to both, the research in this project aims to introduce stability for quantum groups, and to develop a systematic approach towards characterizing stability for various classes of groups, notably "graph product-like" groups and amenable groups.
Stability is connected to operator algebras, character theory, dynamical systems, and several other areas in mathematics, which will allow the research project to build on existing results as well as establish new connections.
Marco Olivieri - Universal Description of the Bose Gases
Marco will from August be employed as a postdoc working in the section of Analysis & Quantum, and the Villum Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory.
Marco obtained his PhD on January 2021 at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). He is presently a postdoc researcher at Aarhus University, where he worked in a group supervised by Professor Søren Fournais. Søren has moved to the University of Copenhagen – and Marco will follow in August.
Marco describes his MSCA project "Universal Description of the Bose Gases" as follows:
The low energy levels of the dilute Bose gases can be expressed, for a wide range of potentials between the particles, by universal expansion formulas depending only on one parameter, the scattering length of the potential. Aim of the project UniBoGas is to classify for which kind of potentials the universal description holds, and up to which precision of the expansion.
The analysis will be worked out by studying three paradigmatic examples:
- We will evaluate the energy for systems with potentials with repulsive and attractive parts.
- We will prove that the energy of systems composed of two kinds of bosons can be approximated by the energy of effective non-linear models.
- We are going to evaluate the low energy levels of the hard-spheres (hard-core potential) system.
The methodology used includes both the improvement of pre-existing techniques in the Bogolubov Theory and the introduction of new methods of localization, Semi-Classical Analysis and variational methods.
Project details
Group Stability and Quantum Information Theory
Project period:
01.07.2023 - 30.06.2025
1,6 mio. DKK from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, EU
Pieter Patrick B Spaas
Universal Description of the Bose Gases
Project period:
01.08.2023 - 31.07.2025
1,6 mio. DKK from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, EU
Marco Olivieri