AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh, postdoc at MBIO
The department has employed AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh as a postdoc from 1 May 2019. He will be working in the research group Mathematics of Reaction Networks (MBIO), within the Statistics and Probability Theory Section.
AmirHosein will focus on the development of algebraic methods for the analysis of biochemical reaction network models; his supervisor is Elisenda Feliu.
AmirHosein earned his BSc in mathematics at the University of Qom (Iran), his MSc degree in mathematics at IASBS University (Iran) and his PhD in Applied Algebraic Geometry in Biology at University of Copenhagen.
His PhD's thesis title is “Algebraic tools in the study of Multistationarity of Chemical Reaction Networks” and was supervised by Elisenda Feliu.
You can find AmirHosein in office 04.3.06