Anton Rask Lundborg, postdoc
Anton Rask Lundborg started on 17 November 2022 as a postdoc in the department’s section for Statistics and Probability Theory.

Anton did his bachelor’s degree in mathematics and master’s degree in statistics at the University of Copenhagen. His thesis with the title “Conditional independence testing for functional data” was written under the supervision of Jonas Peters.
He submitted his PhD in 2022 at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Rajen Shah and Richard Samworth with the title “Modern methods for variable significance testing”.
Anton joins the Copenhagen Causality Lab where he will primarily work with Niklas Pfister on developing theoretically sound methods for nonparametric causal inference in the setting of compositional data with applications to gut microbiome data.
Anton’s research interests include causal inference, semi- and nonparametric statistics and non-Euclidean statistics. Anton is also interested in more foundational and philosophical problems in statistics and causal inference in particular.
You can find Anton in office 04.3.01.