3 October 2024

Artemis A. Vogiatzi, postdoc

Newly employed

In October 2024, Artemis started a three-year position at the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop), mentored by Prof. Niels Martin Møller.

Artemis A. Vogiatzi

Artemis was born and raised in Greece. She received her bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Ioannina (Greece) in 2018, and in 2020 she received a master’s degree in Theoretical Mathematics from the same institution, under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Savas-Halilaj.

In September 2024, she completed her PhD in Mathematics from Queen Mary University of London, under the supervision of Dr Huy The Nguyen. The title of her thesis was ‘Singularities of High Codimension Mean Curvature Flow’.

Artemis’ research interests lie in geometric analysis, particularly geometric flows, such as (high codimension) mean curvature flow, and differential geometry. She studies the evolution under the mean curvature flow of smooth, n-dimensional, compact submanifolds that satisfy specific curvature conditions immersed in a Riemannian manifold of dimension n+m, where the main focus is on the case of high codimension, m≥2. She is also interested in the mean curvature flow of codimension one submanifolds.

You can find Artemis at the Mathematics Building 04.0.09.

You can learn more about her research on her personal website