August Bjerg, PhD student
August is employed as a PhD student from 1 January 2021 in the Analysis & Quantum section, where he will be affiliated with the QMATH Center.

August holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in mathematics from Aarhus University – both with supplementary courses in statistics. The Master’s degree programme was concluded by the thesis “The Scattering Length” in mathematical physics under the supervision of Søren Fournais. In the thesis, August proved that well-known results on the scattering length of potentials, as it was expected, hold true for a slightly larger class of potentials than the one for which they are usually shown in the literature, and he further established “some quite useful convergence theorems for scattering lengths”.
August hopes to be able to continue the mathematical study of scattering lengths at UCPH, and start up a new project under the supervision of Jan Philip Solovej in mathematical physics. He is, among other things, going to examine the behaviour of the Schrödinger operator with the potential known as the Thomas-Fermi potential for an atom when the atomic number tends towards infinity (i.e. becomes arbitrarily large) – for instance by studying in detail the spectral properties of the operators.
When the corona restrictions allow a return to the department, you can find August in room 04.2.11. After 1 March 2021, he moves to 04.0.14.