Clemens Borys, PhD student
Clemens Borys was employed as a PhD student 1. September 2017, affiliated with the research group Non-Commutative Geometry and Center for Symmetry and Deformation.
Clemens’ research focuses on the interplay of groups, groupoids and C*-algebras. His PhD advisors will be Mikael Rørdam and Magdalena Musat.
Previously, Clemens studied Mathematics and Physics at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany, where he got both his Bachelor's and Master's degree.
“For the Master's thesis I constructed a topological bicategory of C*-correspondences, establishing a notion of continuous actions by correspondences, such that these reflect the original notions of continuous fields of C*-algebras and C*-correspondences by Fell”, says Clemens.
In a first research project, he will study recent techniques to understand the structure of groupoid C*-algebras.
Clemens works in office 04.4.03