Fabien Pazuki, professor of Mathematics
The Dean has appointed Fabien Pazuki as Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Science from 1 August 2020.

Fabien Pazuki obtained his PhD in 2008 from the University of Bordeaux under the joint supervision of Professor Henri Cohen (Bordeaux 1) and Professor Marc Hindry (Paris 7).
He then became an assistant professor (ATER) at Paris 7 and after a short postdoc at University of Lethbridge, Canada, he obtained a position of associate professor (Maître de conférences) at University of Bordeaux in 2009.
He joined the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, in 2014. He also obtained his "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" in 2017 at the University of Bordeaux.
Fabien works in the general field of diophantine geometry. In his own words: “I mostly work in height theory on abelian varieties over number fields or function fields. I am very interested in the arithmetic of rational points on varieties, Mordell-Weil groups, elliptic curves, arithmetic dynamics, transcendance theory, Drinfeld modules, and Calabi-Yau varieties".
Fabien has very wide international contacts both in research and otherwise. He contributes a lot to the local number theory group in the form of organizing conferences and talks for the number theory seminar. He is the coordinator of the Nordic Number theory Network since 2014 and of the International Research Network "Geometry and Arithmetic" (CNRS) since 2017.
Fabien is a highly regarded and popular teacher who is also functioning as Head of studies for the bachelor curriculum.