Florian Riedel, PhD student
Florian Riedel has been employed from 1 September 2023 as a PhD student at the department’s Algebra & Geometry section, affiliated with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.

Florian did his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the University of Münster in Germany. His master’s thesis was about the deformation theory of coalgebras in the category of spectra and relations to algebraic models for p-adic homotopy theory. It was advised by Thomas Nikolaus and Achim Krause.
Florian’s research interests are in stable homotopy theory and higher algebra. He plans to investigate how algebraic theories of power operations can give rise to new interesting models for the category of spaces - under the supervision of Robert Burklund and Jesper Grodal.
“The idea is to build on and generalize aspects of my previous work as well as incorporate chromatic homotopy theory into the picture”, says Florian.
You can find Florian in office 04.4.03