Frederik Hindborg Jensen, PhD student
On 1 June 2023, Frederik Hindborg Jensen started as a PhD student in the section for Statistics and Probability Theory. He will continue his research on narwhals.
Frederik has a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a master's degree in statistics - both from this department. Since March 2022, he has been employed as a research assistant on a project dealing with the estimation of narwhals' attempts to catch prey based on diving depth and acceleration patterns. The project was published a few months ago with the title "Detecting narwhal foraging behaviour from accelerometer and depth data using mixed-effects logistic regression".
Overall, his PhD will address developing statistical methods to recognize and infer behaviour in marine mammals using accelerometer data. Right now he is working on developing a method to generate ethograms for narwhals from acceleration data.
The main supervisor is Susanne Ditlevsen with Outi Tervo from the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources as co-supervisor.
You can find Frederik in room 04.4.05.