Garbiñe Cid Ruiz, PhD student
Garbiñe Cid Ruiz was employed as a PhD student on 1 August 2024 in the Analysis & Quantum Section working with the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH).

Garbiñe completed her bachelor's degree in Mathematics at the University of the Basque Country. She later moved to Copenhagen to study for her master's degree in Mathematics at UCPH. She wrote her master's thesis titled "Equivariant Quantum Channels for SU(2)" under the supervision of Jan Philip Solovej and co-supervision of Blazej Teofil Ruba and Tommaso Aschieri.
Garbiñe has started her PhD studies under the supervision of Jan Philip Solovej. She will study the minimal output entropy of equivariant quantum channels for several groups. Her research interests include Quantum Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Information Theory and Operator Algebras.
You can meet Garbiñe in Vibenshuset, Lyngbyvej 2.