Isaac Moselle, 4+4 PhD student
Isaac Moselle was employed in September 2023 as a 4+4 PhD student in the Algebra & Geometry Section. He will be working with the Copenhagen Center for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop).

Isaac comes from the UK and completed his undergraduate and master's (Part III) at the University of Cambridge, Pembroke College. His Part III essay was titled "The Goodwillie-Weiss Calculus of Embeddings for Long Knots"; Oscar Randall-Williams was his supervisor.
Isaac is here in Copenhagen under the 4+4 programme (Master + PhD), and his supervisor is Jesper Grodal.
“I don't have a firm plan for my PhD project, but it will likely involve aspects of modular representation theory and higher algebra”, says Isaac.
His research interests include algebraic topology, homotopy theory, and representation theory. He has also done a bit of work relating to homological stability.
You can find Isaac in office 04.3.25