Johannes Agerskov, postdoc
From 1 September 2023, Johannes is employed as a postdoc at the department, where he is associated with the Analysis & Quantum section and the QMATH centre.
Johannes has a bachelor's and master's degree in physics from the Niels Bohr Institute. His thesis supervisor was Emil Bjerrum-Bohr. After that, Johannes was employed as a PhD student here at MATH. He defended his thesis, "One-dimensional Dilute Quantum Gases and Their Ground State Energies" in June 2023. Jan Philip Solovej was his supervisor.
“During my PhD I studied quantum gases in one dimension. More specifically, I focused on the ground state energy of such gases. During this project, we proved a formula for the ground state energy of the Bose gas and the spin-polarized Fermi or anyon gas in one dimension. We then conjectured a corresponding formula for the non-spin-polarized Fermi gas. In my thesis, I showed some partial results in this direction related to the magnetic properties of such gases,” Johannes explains.
“During my postdoc, I will prove a more general formula for the ground state energy of the Fermi gas in one dimension and thus prove our previous conjecture. This will also prove that Fermi gases in one dimension have natural magnetic properties, which in the spin-1/2 case is well described by the Heisenberg model.
“Moreover, I am interested in certain problems related to the ionization conjecture, and I hope to answer some questions within this field as well”.
Johannes will also be lecturing for the new physics students in the course Linear Algebra and Analysis (LinALys), which he is looking forward to.
You can meet Johannes in Vibenshuset, Lyngbyvej 1.