Nuno Hultberg, PhD student
Nuno Hultberg was employed as a PhD student on 1 October 2021, working with the Algebra & Geometry Section under the supervision of Fabien Pazuki and Lars Kühne.

Together with his supervisors, Nuno will try to extend the explicit class field theory of imaginary quadratic fields to quartic fields. The hope is to find a description in terms of Igusa invariants of genus 2 curves, which replace the j-invariants of elliptic curves in the case of imaginary quadratic fields.
Nuno grew up as the child of a Danish father and a Portuguese mother living in Germany. He did both his bachelor and his master under the supervision of Andreas Mihatsch at the University of Bonn, Germany. In his master thesis, he treated generalizations of the linear arithmetic fundamental lemma.
Nuno is broadly interested in number-theoretic results. He particularly enjoys the algebra-geometric approach to number theory, arithmetic geometry, and likes algebraic geometry in and of itself.
You can meet Nuno in office 04.0.04.