Algebra/Topology Seminar

Speaker: Yuqing Shi

Title: Lie Algebras and En-algebras in higher chromatic heights


The sequence of natural embeddings of the little cubes operads En1 En induces an equivalence between the -category of E-algebras and the inverse limits of -category of En-algebras in a stable symmetric monoidal -category C. The Koszul dual of this equivalence gives a functor U from the -category of Lie algebras to an inverse limits of the -category of En-algebras in C, where the functor from Lie algebras to En-algebras is a natural generalisation of taking the universal enveloping algebra and the functor from En-algebras to En1-algebras is the Bar construction. Taking C to be the -category of rational chain complexes, formality of the little cubes operads implies that U is an equivalence. In this talk I will show that U is fully faithful when we let C be the -category of T(h)-local spectra for 1 h < , where T(h) denotes the telescope spectrum of height h. This is our first step to generalise the rational equivalence to higher chromatic heights.