algebra/topology seminar
Speaker: Markus Land (University of Bonn)
Title: On the relation between K- and L-theory for complex C*-algebras
Abstract: It has been known for some time that for a complex C* -algebra A, the symmetric L-
groups L^{\ast} (A) are naturally isomorphic to the topological K-groups K_{\ast} (A). Moreover in
both cases these groups are the homotopy groups of spectra LA and KA. Interestingly,
it is known that the spectra LA and KA are not equivalent.
In this talk I want to introduce L-theory, and explain partly why L^{ast} (A) \cong
K_{\ast} (A) and why the corresponding spectra are not equivalent. Then I want to turn to the precise
relationship between the two spectra valued functors K and L.