Registration form

Registration for the Masterclass: Geometry of Phase Transitions - University of Copenhagen (GeoTop)

Fields marked with * are required.

Financial support
Would you like to apply for financial support? *
There are limited funds available to cover local expenses of graduate students and early career mathematicians. We encourage all participants to also seek independent sources of funding.
A short paragraph or two will suffice.
If UK based, would you like to apply for support via the INI (please choose no if not in UK) *
Would you like to attend the conference dinner? *
ECTS credits
Your birth date is necessary in order for us to issue a certificate stating your completion of the course and 3.5 ECTS. This field may be left blank if you do not need an ECTS certificate. Format: DD/MM/YYYY
May we publish your name on a list of participants (web/print)? *
We need your consent according to GDPR. You can withdraw your consent by mailing us.