Contributions to the classification of C*-algebras and graph algebras

PhD Defense: James Gabe

Abstract: The Elliott classification programme deals with finding classes of separable, nuclear C*-algebras which are classifiable by K-theoretic invariants. In general, it is unclear which classes of C*-algebras are classifiable and what the invariant should be. This motivates studying the classification of graph C*-algebras, which is a class of very well-behaved C*-algebras, in order to get a greater insight of the general classification programme. I will explain how my work as a PhD student has contributed to the classification programme, where a large emphasis is put on the classification of graph C*-algebras.

Principal supervisor: Søren Eilers, Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Co-supervisor: Ryszard Nest, Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

 Assessment Committee:

Mikael Rørdam (chairman) Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

 Wilhelm Winter, Professor, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster

 Wojciech Szymanski,  Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark