Quantum Hub Annual Meeting

Quantum Hub: World Changing Potential

The UCPH Quantum Hub invites you to the 2nd Annual Meeting.

Two years ago, in September 2022, the UCPH Quantum Hub was launched to provide a framework for cross-departmental and cross-faculty collaboration, as well as a window for students to see the full range of quantum research and education across the university.

We will hear from a diverse range of scientists, presenting how Quantum is being researched right now: from biological cryptobiosis and experimental quantum physics to the implication’s quantum has in the court of law. After the talks an informal poster session will proceed with refreshments and tapas accompanying the exchange of ideas. Sign up to bring your own poster in the sign-up form below.


  • Ethical, Legal, Social and Policy Implications (ELSPI) of Quantum Technology and the NNF Inter CeBIL project: Timo Minssen, Professor, Center for Advanced Studies in Bioscience Innovation Law, Department of Law, UCPH.
  • Tardigrades and Cryptobiosis: Nadja Møbjerg, Associate Professor, Cell Biology and Physiology, Department of Biology, UCPH. 

  • Cliffs Notes on establishing two 25 qubit scale superconducting quantum computers at NBI: Morten Kjaergaard, Associate professor, Condensed Matter Physics, Niels Bohr Institute, UCPH. 

  • The Master of Science program in Quantum Information Science, QIS: Jan Philip Solovej, Professor, Mathematical Physics, Department of Mathematics, UCPH

  • Calculation of molecular spectroscopic properties on quantum computers: Philip W. K. Jensen, Post.doc, Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, UCPH
  • Poster session: Sign up and bring your poster for the session at the end of the talks. All research related to quantum welcome.

Please share this event with your group members and to any quantum-interested in your network. 

We hope everyone from bachelor students to professors, who are working with quantum or interested in hearing more about quantum will come to join us and be part of the UCPH Quantum Hub!

The event is free but registration mandatory:

Registration closed.