Lecture Series
Speaker: Thomas Schick
Title: Lecture 1 on L^2-Betti numbers, their applications and conjectures about them
Betti numbers are among the most fundamental, and extremely useful,
invariants of topological spaces.
However, for non-compact spaces, in particular those with a lot of symmetry,
they are typically not useful, because they are typically infinite.
$L^2$-Betti numbers are a very successfull replacement, in particular for
manifolds or cell complexes $X$ with a free action of a discrete group
$\Gamma$. There definition is based on the use of Hilbert spaces with a
(good) $\Gamma$-action and a dimension function for those, the von Neumann
dimension. One then uses chain complexes and cohomology with square summable
(co)cycles, which for exactly the kind Hilbert spaces for which the dimension
function is defined.
That way, the von Neumann dimension of this $L^2$-cohomology gives by
definition the $L^2$-Betti numbers.
The course will introduce (just as much as is needed) in the underlying
(analytic) theory and introduce the $L^2$-Betti numbers (and related
invariants). The main part is then devoted to the study of their properties,
the computation of examples and the application of these calculations to
question outside the theory of $L^2$-invariants. These applications range
from differential geometry via topology to the theory of groups and group
There are many open questions and conjectures around these invariants, with
constant progress over the years (special cases,\ldots). We will introduce
some of them, e.g.~the Atiyah question about the possible values of
$L^2$-Betti numbers, and report on their current status.
Recently, there are attempts (in special cases successfull) to define variants
of $L^2$-Betti numbers with finite field coefficients (non-obvious, as there
is no good concept of Hilbert space available in this context); we will get to
this toward the end of the lecture series.