Registration form

Registration for  the masterclass "Infinity Operads and Manifolds" - 11-15 August 2025

Fields marked with * are required.

Financial support
Would you like to apply for financial support? *
There are limited funds available to cover local expenses of graduate students and early career mathematicians. We encourage all participants to also seek independent sources of funding.
If UK based, would you like to apply for support via the INI (please choose no if not in UK)
If based in the UK, dependent on the number of participants more comprehensive travel/lodging funds may be available via the INI. As above, we also encourage participants to seek additional funding opporotunities.
A short paragraph or two will suffice.
Would you like to attend the conference dinner? *
ECTS credits
Your birth date is necessary in order for us to issue a certificate stating your completion of the course and 3.5 ECTS. This field may be left blank if you do not need an ECTS certificate. Format: DD/MM/YYYY
May we publish your name on a list of participants (web/print)? *
We need your consent according to GDPR. You can withdraw your consent by mailing us.