General Information

Lending a book

Only staff at the Department for Mathematical Sciences can lend books. Take a yellow sheet from one of the holders, fill it out and place it visible on the shelf where you took the book.

Returning a book

There is a return box near the exit.

Can't find a book?

If you can't find a given material, start by searching in the database, where you can see if it's been lent out or reported as lost. If the book is lent out, ask the staff which loaner has borrowed it.

Suggestions for acquisitions

Please send suggestions for acquisitions for the collection to - or directly to Copenhagen University Library.

Rules and Regulations

  • The library/reading room must be quiet. Show considerations.
  • Cell phones must be turned off or quieted. 
  • Please close all doors silently.
  • You are requested to keep good order on the tables and to make sure these books are returned to the library trolley. 

Access to the library

Students at the UCPH can access the library through the main entrance using their university ID card.