Ph.D. Theses (PDF)

Book COVER is in A3 format with cutting marks for B5, TEXT is in A4 format, meant to be downscaled to B5.

Bryan Advocaat, Explicit Overconvergence Rates Related to Eisenstein Series
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-228-6, 2024 TEXT: [Bryan Advocaat TEXT PDF].

Máté László Telek, Signed Support of Multivariate Polynomials and Applications
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-227-9, 2024 TEXT: [Máté László Telek TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Máté László Telek COVER PDF].

Jeffrey Adams, Causal Inference and Causal Discovery with Latent Variables
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-226-2, 2024 TEXT: [Jeffrey Adams TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Jeffrey Adams COVER PDF].

August Bjerg, Periodic Phenomena in the Theory of Large Atoms
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-225-5, 2024 TEXT: [August Bjerg TEXT PDF]. COVER: [August Bjerg COVER PDF].

Jacob Fronk, Multivariate Polynomials and Rational Functions of Random Matrices - A Case Study
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-224-8, 2023 TEXT: [Jacob Fronk TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Jacob Fronk COVER PDF].

Vignesh Subramanian, Categorification of Smith Theory
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-223-1, 2023 TEXT: [Vignesh Subramanian TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Vignesh Subramanian COVER PDF].

Jinwen Ye, Quantum Group Structures in Chern-Simons Theory
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-222-4, 2023 TEXT: [Jinwen Ye TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Jinwen Ye COVER PDF].

Nanna Havn Aamand, Quantum Group Structures in Chern-Simons Theory
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-221-7, 2023 TEXT: [Nanna Havn Aamand TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Nanna Havn Aamand COVER PDF].

Adriano Cordova Fedeli, Topological Hochschild homology of adic rings
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-220-0, 2023 TEXT: [Adriano Cordova Fedeli TEXT PDF].

Ali Muhammad, Entropy bounds for self-shrinkers with symmetries and applications
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-219-4, 2023 TEXT: [Ali Muhammad TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Ali Muhammad COVER PDF].

Alexis Aumonier, Moduli of algebraic hypersurfaces via homotopy principles
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-218-7, 2023 TEXT: [Alexis Aumonier TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Alexis Aumonier COVER PDF].

Frederik Ravn Klausen, Random Problems in Mathematical Physics
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-217-0, 2023 TEXT: [Frederik Ravn Klausen TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Frederik Ravn Klausen COVER PDF].

Paula Belzig, Quantum communication and fault-tolerance
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-216-3, 2023 TEXT: [Paula Belzig TEXT PDF]. COVER: [Paula Belzig PDF].

Anna Kamille Nyegaard, Projections and sensitivities of life insurance liabilities
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-214-9, 2023 TEXT: [NYEGAARD TEXT PDF]. COVER: [NYEGAARD COVER PDF].

Jacob Bjerre Skov, Dynamic Term Structure Modeling and the LIBOR Transition
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-215-6, 2023 TEXT: [SKOV TEXT PDF]. COVER: [SKOV COVER PDF].

Jingxuan Zhang, Localization theory for propagation of quantum information
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-213-2, 2023 TEXT: [ZHANG TEXT PDF]. COVER: [ZHANG COVER PDF].

Johannes Agerskov, One-dimensional Dilute Quantum Gases and Their Ground State Energies
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-071-8, 2023 TEXT: [JOAS TEXT PDF]. COVER: [JOAS COVER PDF].

Mads Friis Frand-Madsen, Connections between Quantum Key Distribution and Quantum Data Hiding
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-070-1, 2023 TEXT: [MFFM TEXT PDF]. COVER: [MFFM COVER PDF].

Vincent Steffan, Tensor Decompositions, Theory and Applications in Quantum Information
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-069-5, 2023 TEXT: [VS TEXT PDF]. COVER: [VS COVER PDF].

Song Li, Mathematical tools for population genetics based on genotype data
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-068-8, 2023 TEXT: [SL TEXT PDF]. COVER: [SL COVER PDF].

Yumo Zhang, Dynamic portfolio optimization with stochastic investment opportunities
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-067-1, 2023 TEXT: [YZ TEXT PDF]. COVER: [YZ COVER PDF].

Severin Mejak, Definability of maximal discrete sets
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-063-3, 2023 TEXT: [SM TEXT PDF]. COVER: [SM COVER PDF].

Jamaal Ahmad, Matrix methods in multi-state life insurance
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-066-4, 2023 TEXT: [JA TEXT PDF]. COVER: [JA COVER PDF].

Alexander Frei, Operator algebras and nonlocal games: Optimal states and self-testing
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-065-7, 2023 TEXT: [AF TEXT PDF]. COVER: [AF COVER PDF].

Snorre Jallbjørn, Multi-Population Mortality Models and Scenario-Based Projections
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-062-6, 2023 TEXT: [SJ TEXT PDF]. COVER: [SJ COVER PDF].

Jeroen van der Meer, Higher-algebraic Picard invariants in modular representation theory
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-058-9, 2022 TEXT: [JVDM TEXT PDF]. COVER: [JVDM COVER PDF].

Nikolaj Theodor Birkmose Thams, Causality and Distribution Shift
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-061-9, 2022 TEXT: [NT TEXT PDF], Text in B5 format. COVER: [NT COVER PDF].

Phillip Bredahl Mogensen, Multiple Hypothesis Testing and Causal Discovery
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-060-2, 2022 TEXT: [PBM TEXT PDF], Text in B5 format. COVER: [PBM COVER PDF].

Kaif Hilman Tan, Norms and periodicities in genuine equivariant hermitian K–theory
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-059-6, 2022 TEXT: [KHT TEXT PDF], Text in B5 format. COVER: [KHT COVER PDF].

Debbie Kusch Falden, Projection of balances and benefits in life insurance with various dividend strategies
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-057-2, 2022 TEXT: [DKF PDF]; COVER: [DKF PDF].

Henning Olai Milhøj, Quasitraces, Tracial States, and Kaplansky's Conjecture
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-056-5, 2022 TEXT: [HOM PDF], NB: Text in B5 format. COVER: [HOM PDF].

Malte Sander Leip, On the Hochschild homology of hypersurfaces as a mixed complex
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-055-8, 2022
TEXT: [MSL PDF vol.1], [MSL PDF vol.2] NB: Text in B5 format. COVER: [COVER PDF vol.1], [COVER PDF vol.2].

Sigurd Emil Rømer, Essays on rough and classical stochastic volatility
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-054-1, 2022 TEXT: [SER PDF],    COVER: [SER COVER PDF].

Manh Cuong Ngo, Modelling marine mammal reactions
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-053-4, 2022 TEXT: [MCN PDF],    COVER: [MCN COVER PDF].

Alexander Sevel Lollike, Projections in Life Insurance and the Equilibrium Approach to Utility Optimization
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-052-7, 2022 TEXT: [ASL PDF],    COVER: [ASL COVER PDF].

Marie Fialová, Aharonov-Casher theorems for manifolds with boundary
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-051-0, 2022 TEXT: [MF PDF],    COVER: [MF COVER PDF].

Luigi Pagano, The motivic zeta functions of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-050-3, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Meltem Ünel, Random trees with height dependent weights: Local limits and applications
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-049-7, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Martin Emil Jakobsen, Causality and generalizability: Identifiability and learning methods
ISBN-number: 978-87-7125-048-0, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Francesco Campagna, Arithmetic and diophantine properties of elliptic curves with complex multiplication
ISBN 978-87-7125-047-3, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Daria Poliakova, Homotopical algebra and combinatorics of polytopes
ISBN 978-87-7125-045-9, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Sabiha Sibel Tokus, Variational methods for quantum Hamiltonians
ISBN: 978-87-7125-046-6, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Maria Laura Battagliola, Quantile regression for scalar and functional clustered data and data analysis with phase-amplitude separation
ISBN: 978-87-7125-044-2, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Robin Janik Sroka, Patterns in the homology of algebras: Vanishing, stability, and higher structures
ISBN: 978-87-7125-043-5, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Lasse Petersen, Causal inference and machine learning
ISBN: 978-87-7125-042-8, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Maxime Savoy, Combinatorial cell complexes. Duality, reconstruction and causal cobordisms
ISBN: 978-87-7125-041-1, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Mikala Ørsnes Jansen, The stratified homotopy type of the reductive Borel-Serre compactification and applications to algebraic K-theory.
ISBN: 978-87-7125-040-4, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Nicholas Gauguin Houghton-Larsen, A mathematical framework for causally structured dilations and its relation to quantum self-testing
ISBN: 978-87-7125-039-8, 2021    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Zhipeng Duan, On equivariant Euler characteristics and spaces of trees
ISBN: 978-87-7125-038-1, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Asbjørn Christian Nordentoft, On arithmetic statistics and periods of automorphic forms
ISBN: 978-87-7125-037-4, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Jorge Yslas, Point process convergence of random walks and the estimation of multivariate heavy-tailed distributions
ISBN: 978-87-7125-032-9, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Christian Furrer, Multi-state modeling in the mathematics of life insurance: meditations and applications
ISBN: 978-87-7125-036-7, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Clemens Borys, Groups, actions, and C*-algebras
ISBN: 978-87-7125-034-3, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Riccardo Pengo, Mahler measures, special values of L-functions and complex multiplication
ISBN: 978-87-7125-035-0, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Philipp Schmitt, Strict quantization of certain classes of analytic functions
ISBN: 978-87-7125-033-6, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Rune Christiansen, Causal inference in the presence of hidden variables: Structure learning, Effect estimation and distribution generalization
ISBN: 978-87-7125-031-2, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Joshua Edward Hunt, Decompositions and obstructions for the stable module ∞-category
ISBN: 978-87-7078-898-4, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Søren Wengel Mogensen, Graphical modeling in dynamical systems
ISBN: 978-87-7078-897-7, 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Angélica Marcela Torres Bustos, Algebraic methods for bistability and oscillations in reaction networks
ISBN: 978-87-7078-896-0. 2020    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Francesco Chini, Some classification results for translating solitons and ancient mean curvature flows
ISBN: 978-87-7078-895-3, 2019    TEXT: [PDF],   

Mads Bonde Raad, Stability of age dependent Hawkes processes
ISBN: 978-87-7078-894-6, 2019    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Kevin Aguyar Brix, Topological dynamics, groupoids and C*-algebras
ISBN: 978-87-7078-893-9, 2019    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Asger Kjærulff Jensen, Tensors and the entanglement of pure quantum states
ISBN: 978-87-7078-890-8, 2019    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Karen Bakke Haga, Maximal almost disjoint families, determinacy, and forcing
ISBN: 978-87-7078-889-2, 2019    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Georgios Dalezios, Relative homological algebra and exact model structures
ISBN: 978-87-7078-886-1, 2019    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Henrik Carøe Bylling, Bilevel optimization with applications in energy
ISBN: 978-87-7078-885-4, 2019    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Vibeke Quorning, Cantor-Bendixson type ranks & Co-induction and invariant random subgroups
ISBN: 978-87-7078-884-7, 2019    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Rune Harder Bak, Tensor abelian categories -- in a non-commutative setting
ISBN: 978-87-7078-805-2, 2018    TEXT: [PDF].

Espen Auseth Nielsen, Operations on Hochschild complexes of Hopf-like algebras
ISBN: 978-87-7078-883-0, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Mads Christian Hansen, Quasi-stationary distributions in stochastic reaction networks
ISBN: 978-87-7078-881-6, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Martin Speirs, On the algebraic K-theory of coordinate axes and truncated polynomial algebras
ISBN: 978-87-7078-916-5, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Niels Aske Lundtorp Olsen, Statistical analysis of functional data: Multivariate responses, misaligned data and local inference
ISBN: 978-87-7078-915-8, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Amir Hosein Sadeghimanesh, Algebraic tools in the study of multistationarity of chemical reaction networks
ISBN: 978-87-7078-914-1, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Manuel Krannich, On characteristic classes of manifold bundles
ISBN: 978-87-7078-908-0, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Benjamin Böhme, Equivariant multiplications and idempotent splittings of G-spectra
ISBN: 978-87-7078-913-4, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Roberto Ferrara, An information-theoretic framework for quantum repeaters
ISBN: 978-87-7078-912-7, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Valerio Proietti, On K-theory, groups, and topological dynamics
ISBN: 978-87-7078-906-6, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Anton Samojlow, Universality of Born-Oppenheimer curves
ISBN: 978-87-7078-909-7, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Samuele Soraggi, Theory and inference on gene flow and ploidy numbers from NGS data
2018    TEXT: [PDF].

Jacob Østergaard, Statistical methods for neural data: Cointegration analysis of coupled neurons & generalized linear models for spike train data
ISBN: 978-87-7078-903-5, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Mareile Große Ruse, Inference from stochastic processes with application to birdsongs and biomedicine
ISBN: 978-87-7078-902-8, 2018    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Frederik Vissing Mikkelsen, Model selection and risk estimation with applications to nonlinear ordinary differential equation systems
ISBN: 978-87-7078-901-1, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Dino Destefano, Investigating slopes of overconvergent modular forms
ISBN: 978-87-7078-900-4, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Birger Brietzke, On the second order correction to the ground state energy of the dilute Bose gas
ISBN: 978-87-7078-932-5, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Xiaolei Xie, Analysis of heavy-tailed time series
ISBN: 978-87-7078-931-8, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Adam Lund, Spatio-temporal modeling of neuron fields
ISBN: 978-87-7078-934-9, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Emil Steen Jørgensen, Diffusion models observed at high frequency and applications in finance
ISBN: 978-87-7078-933-2, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Rasmus Sylvester Bryder, Boundaries, injective envelopes, and reduced crossed products
ISBN: 978-87-7078-930-1, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Martin S. Christensen, Regularity of C*-algebras and central sequence algebras
ISBN: 978-87-7078-929-5, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Eduardo Scarparo, Partial actions, paradoxicality and topological full groups
ISBN: 978-87-7078-927-1, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Christian Majenz, Entropy in quantum information theory -- Communication and cryptography
ISBN: 978-87-7078-928-8, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Matias Lolk, Dynamical systems and algebras associated with separated graphs
ISBN: 978-87-7078-925-7, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Tomasz Prytula, Hyperbolic isometries of systolic complexes
ISBN: 978-87-7078-923-3, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Johannes Heiny, Extreme eigenvalues of sample covariance and correlation matrices
ISBN: 978-87-7078-921-9, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Clarisson Rizzie Canlubo, Non-commutative covering spaces and their symmetries
ISBN: 978-87-7078-922-6, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Kang Li, Novel mathematical neural models for visual attention
ISBN: 978-87-7078-920-2, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Amalie Høgenhaven, Real topological cyclic homology
ISBN: 978-87-7078-919-6, 2017    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Robin Reuvers. Analysis of the Bogoliubov free energy functional
ISBN: 978-87-7078-917-2, 2016    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Rune Ramsdal Ernstsen. Operation, investment and hedging in electricity markets
ISBN: 978-87-7078-918-9, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Ditte Mølgård Heide-Jørgensen, Operations management in short-term power markets
ISBN: 978-87-7078-951-6, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Massimiliano Ungheretti, On the algebraic structure of Hochschild complexes and the free loop space
ISBN: 978-87-7078-950-9, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Niek de Kleijn, Group actions on deformation quantizations and an equivariant algebraic index theorem
ISBN: 978-87-7078-949-3, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Kristian Knudsen Olesen, Analytic aspects of the Thompson groups
ISBN: 978-87-7078-948-6, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Martin Jönsson, Essays on quantitative finance
ISBN: 978-87-7078-945-5, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Giacomo Cherubini, Studies in the hyperbolic circle problem
ISBN: 978-87-7078-946-2, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Ninna Reitzel Jensen, Modern policyholder preferences and scenario-based projections
ISBN: 978-87-7078-944-8, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Simon Ellersgaard Nielsen, Essays on rational portfolio theory
ISBN: 978-87-7078-939-4, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Lykke Rasmussen, Computational finance - on the search for performance
ISBN: 978-87-7078-943-1, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Matthias Grey, Rational homological stability for automorphisms of manifolds
ISBN 978-87-7078-956-1, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Seyed Nourollah Mousavi, Analysis of functional data with focus on multinomial regression and multilevel data
ISBN 978-87-7078-940-0, 2016:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Kang Li, Property A and coarse embedding for locally compact groups
ISBN 978-87-7078-936-3, 2015:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Sima Mashayekhi, Numerical methods for nonlinear PDEs in finance
ISBN: 978-87-7078-935-6, 2015:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Casper Guldberg, On homotopy automorphisms of Koszul spaces
ISBN 978-87-7078-959-2, 2015:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Nina Munkholt Jakobsen, Efficient estimating functions for stochastic differential equations
ISBN 978-87-7078-960-8, 2015:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Kamille Sofie Tågholt Gad, Optimal stopping and policyholder behaviour in life insurance
ISBN 978-87-7078-961-5, 2015:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Kristian Buchardt, Life insurance liabilities with policyholder behaviour and stochastic rates
ISBN 978-87-7078-967-7, 2015:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Martha Muller, Functional data analysis applied in chemometrics
ISBN 978-87-7078-968-4, 2015:    TEXT: [PDF],   

Mathias Makedonski, On the stability of spherically symmetric selfgravitating classical and quantum systems
ISBN: 978-87-7078-962-2, 2015:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Mauricio Gomez Lopez, Spaces of piecewise linear manifolds
ISBN: 978-87-7078-963-9, 2015:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Lars Frederik Brandt Henriksen, Aspects of valuation and optimization in life insurance
ISBN: 978-87-7078-965-3. 2014: TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Nadim Rustom, Algebra and arithmetic of modular forms
ISBN: 978-87-7078-966-0, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Søren Knudby, Approximation properties for groups and von Neumann algebras
ISBN: 978-87-7078-971-4, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Kristian J. Moi, Equivariant homotopy theory and K-theory of exact categories with duality
ISBN: 978-87-7078-970-7, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Sune Precht Reeh, Burnside rings of fusion systems
ISBN 978-87-7078-974-5, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Anders Christian Jensen, Statistical inference for partially observed diffusion processes
ISBN: 978-87-7078-975-2, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Flemming Brændgaard von Essen, Automorphic forms - Multiplier systems and Taylor coefficients
ISBN: 978-87-7078-977-6, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Martin Wedel Jacobsen, Block fusion systems and the center of the group ring
ISBN: 978-87-7078-976-9, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Morten Tolver Kronborg, Advances in Consumption-Investment problems with applications to pension
2014:    TEXT: [PDF].

Toke Nørgård-Sørensen: Homotopy representations of simply connected p-compact groups of rank 1 or 2
2014:     TEXT: [PDF],

Daniela Egas Santander, Graph complexes and the moduli space of Riemann surfaces
ISBN 978-87-7078-978-3, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Kim Petersen, The mathematics of charged particles interacting with electromagnetic fields
ISBN 978-87-7078-979-0, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Alexander Sokol, On martingales, causality, identifiability and model selection
ISBN 978-87-7078-386-6, 2014:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Yuwei Zhao, A Fourier analysis of extremal events
ISBN 978-87-7078-982-0, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Angela Klamt, The complex of looped diagrams and natural operations on Hochschild homology
ISBN 978-87-7078-981-3, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Rasmus Bentmann, Contributions to the structure theory of non-simple C*-algebras
ISBN 978-87-7078-985-1, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Morten Karlsmark, Four essays in quantitative finance
ISBN 978-87-7078-984-4, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Tim de Laat, Approximation properties for Lie groups and noncommutative Lp-spaces
ISBN 978-87-7078-987-5, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Stella Anevski, Algebraic K-theory of generalized schemes
ISBN 978-87-7078-988-2, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Thomas Hjortgaard Danielsen, Harmonic analysis on triple spaces
ISBN 978-87-7078-991-2, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Kenneth Bruhn, Preferences and design in insurance and pensions
ISBN 978-87-7078-9929, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Martin Vincent, High dimensional multiclass classification with applications to cancer diagnosis
2013: TEXT: [PDF].

Maria Ramirez-Solano, Non-commutative geometrical aspects and topological invariants of a conformally regular pentagonal tiling of the plane
ISBN (Print) 978-87-7078-994-3, 2013:

Massimiliano Tamborrino, Neural network connectivity and response latency modelled by stochastic processes
ISBN 978-87-7078-996-7, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Henrik Densing Petersen. Lˆ2-Betti numbers of locally compact groups
ISBN 978-87-7078-993-6, 2013:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Emanuele Dotto, Stable real K-theory and real topological Hochschild homology
ISBN 978-87-7078-997-4, 2012:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Hannes Thiel, On dimension and shape theory for C*-algebras
ISBN 978-87-7078-995-0, 2012:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Adam Peder Wie Sørensen, Semiprojectivity and the geometry of graphs
ISBN 978-87-7078-998-1, 2012:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

George Maria Napolitano, Infinite random graphs with a view towards quantum gravity
ISBN 978-87-91927-67-6, 2012:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Chiara Esposito, On the classical and quantum momentum map
ISBN 978-87-91927-69-0, 2012:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Tarje Bargheer, A Colourful Approach to String Topology
ISBN 978-87-91927-60-7, 2012: TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Phan Thanh Nam, Contributions to the rigorous study of the structure of atoms
ISBN 978-87-91927-66-9, 2011:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Rune Johansen, On flow equivalence of sofic shifts
ISBN 978-87-91927-61-4, 2011:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF].

Gabriel G. Drimus, Volatility-of-Volatility perspectives: Variance derivatives and other equity exotics
2011:    TEXT: [PDF].

Lisbeth Carstensen, Hawkes processes and combinatorial transcriptional regulation
2010:    TEXT: [PDF].

Esben Masotti Kryger, Five essays in life insurance mathematics
2010:    TEXT: [PDF].

Tine Buch-Kromann, Large loss models for general insurance
2009:    TEXT: [PDF].

Anders H. Jessen, Claims reserving and other topics in non-life insurance mathematics
2009:    TEXT: [PDF].

Cathrine Jessen, Risk analyses of financial derivatives and structured products
2009:    TEXT: [PDF].

Jens Kaad, A calculation of the multiplicative character on higher algebraic K-theory
ISBN 987-87-91927-47-8, 2009:    TEXT: [PDF].

Jonas B. Rasmussen, Higher congruences between modular forms
ISBN 978-87-91927-45-4, 2009:    TEXT: [PDF].

Kasper Kristensen, Statistical aspects of heterogeneous population dynamics
2009:    TEXT: [PDF].

Troels Windfeldt, Computational aspects of graph coloring and the Quillen-Suslin theorem
ISBN 978-87-91927-35-5, 2009:    TEXT: [PDF].

Anders Gaarde, Projections and residues on manifolds with boundary
ISBN 978-87-91927-31-7, 2008:    TEXT: [PDF].

Ali Abdelrahman, Asymptotic theory for the sample autocorrelation function and the extremes of stochastic volatility models
2008:    TEXT: [PDF].

David Kyed, L2-invariants for quantum groups
ISBN 87-91927-22-6, 2008:    TEXT: [PDF].

Gunnar Restorff, Classification of non-simple C*-algebras
ISBN 978-87-91927-25-6, 2008:    TEXT: [PDF].

Theis Lange, Asymptotic theory in financial time series models with conditional heteroscedasticity
2008:    TEXT: [PDF].

Julie Lyng Forman, Statistical inference from diffusion driven models
2007:    TEXT: [PDF].

Esben Bistrup Halvorsen, Intersection multiplicities and Grothendieck spaces
ISBN 87-91927-15-3, 2007:    TEXT: [PDF].

David Brink, Procyclic Galois extensions of number fields
ISBN 87-91180-26-0, 2006:    TEXT: [PDF].    COVER: [PDF],   [PostScript].

Peter Holm Nielsen, Financial optimization problems in life and pension insurance
2005:    TEXT: [PDF].

Mikkel Dahl, On mortality and investment risk in life insurance
2005:    TEXT: [PDF].

Tommy Bülow, Norms of units and 4-rank of class groups
HCØ-tryk, ISBN 87-7834-619-3, 2004:    TEXT: [PDF].    COVER: [PDF],   [PostScript].

Jacob S. Christiansen, Indeterminate moment problems within the Askey-scheme
HCØ-tryk, ISBN 87-7834-609-6, 2004:    TEXT: [PDF].    COVER: [PDF],   [PostScript].

Henrik Holm, Gorenstein homological algebra
HCØ-tryk, ISBN 87-7834-587-1, 2004:    TEXT: [PDF],   [PostScript].    COVER: [PDF],   [PostScript].

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HCØ-tryk, ISBN 87-7834-585-5, 2004:    TEXT: [PDF],    COVER: [PDF],   [PostScript].

Sine R. Jensen, Inversion formulas for the Radon transform
HCØ-tryk, ISBN 87-7834-544-8, 2004:    TEXT: [PDF],   [PostScript].    COVER: [PDF],   [PostScript].

Niels Richard Hansen, Markov controlled excursions, local alignment, and structure.
From Markov additive processes to biological sequence analysis
2003:     TEXT: [PDF].

Anders Frankild, Cohen-Macaulay local rings and Gorenstein differential graded algebras
HCØ-tryk, ISBN 87-7834-544-8, 2003:    TEXT: [PDF],   [PostScript].    COVER: [PDF],   [PostScript].

Johannes Aastrup, Deformation quantization of endomorphism bundles
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Cristina Antonescu, Metrics on non-commutative spaces
HCØ-tryk, ISBN 87-7834-540-5, 2003:    TEXT: [PDF],   [PostScript],    COVER: [PDF].

Bo Markussen, Inference for stochastic partial differential equations and chaos decomposition of the negative binomial process
2002:     TEXT: [PDF].

Deimante Rusaityte, Stability bounds for ruin probabilities
2002:     TEXT: [PDF].

Brian Huge, On defaultable claims and credit derivatives
2001:    TEXT: [PDF].

Kasper K. S. Andersen, Classification of p-compact groups
HCØ-tryk, ISBN 87-7834-464-6, 2001:   TEXT: [PDF],  [PostScript],   COVER: [PDF],  [PostScript].

Mogens Steffensen, Valuation and control in life and pension insurance
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Helle Sørensen, Inference for diffusion processes and stochastic volatility models
2000:    TEXT: [PDF].

Thomas Møller, Quadratic hedging approaches and indifference pricing in insurance
2000:    TEXT: [PDF].

Lars Winther Christensen, Functorial dimensions
HCØ-tryk, ISBN 87-7834-359-3, 1999:   TEXT: [PDF],   COVER: [HCØ-PDF].