Newly employed 2025.02.18 Thomas Jan Mikhail, visiting postdoc Thomas has been employed since 1 February 2025 as a postdoc in the Algebra & Geometry Section and the Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Obituary 2025.01.28 Obituary of Kjeld Bagger Laursen Associate Professor Emeritus Kjeld Bagger Laursen died on 11 January 2025, aged 83. His research in Banach algebra and operator theory and his contribution to science didactics are described here by Niels Grønbæk.
Newly employed 2025.01.08 Annachiara Piubello, postdoc Annachiara is employed as a postdoc from 1st January 2025 in the Algebra & Geometry Section.
Newly employed 2024.11.01 Mateusz Kandybo, PhD student Mateusz Kandybo was employed as a PhD student in the Analysis & Quantum Section on 1 November 2024.
Visiting researcher 2024.10.10 Erik Lindell, postdoc Since July 2024, Erik Lindell has been a visiting postdoc with the section for Algebra & Geometry and the Centre for Geometry and Topology, mentored by Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2024.10.03 Artemis A. Vogiatzi, postdoc In October 2024, Artemis started a three-year position at the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop), mentored by Prof. Niels Martin Møller.
Grant 2024.09.27 Robert Burklund receives memorial scholarship The Society for the Dissemination of Natural Science (SNU) presented 7 October the prestigious Kirstine Meyer Memorial Scholarship to Robert Burklund from, GeoTop, Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Research funding 2024.09.10 ERC Starting Grant for Ryomei Iwasa Postdoc Ryomei Iwasa has received a € 1.5 million Starting Grant from the European Research Council for his project about Motivic Stable Homotopy Theory.
Newly employed 2024.09.10 Philippe Valentin Vollmuth, PhD student Philippe started on 1 September 2024 as a PhD student in the Algebra & Geometry Section of the department, working with the GeoTop Centre.
Photo competition 2024.09.06 Concrete abstractions Professor Nathalie Wahl has won 2nd place in the DNRF's photo competition 2024 with a photo that shows how mathematicians use the blackboard to capture wild ideas and infinite spaces.
Newly employed 2024.09.06 Robert Szafarczyk, PhD student Robert Szafarczyk is employed from 1st September 2024 at the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology in the department’s Algebra & Geometry Section.
Newly employed 2024.09.05 Anna Mustata, PhD student Anna Mustata was employed as a PhD student from 1. September 2024 in the Algebra & Geometry Section.
Newly employed 2024.09.04 Carles Checa, postdoc Carles Checa started on 1 September 2024 as a postdoc in the section of Algebra & Geometry. He will work in the Applied Algebra Group with Elisenda Feliu.
Newly employed 2024.09.04 Alf Söderberg, PhD student Alf Söderberg is employed as a PhD student in the section of Algebra and Geometry from 1 September 2024. He will work under the supervision of Morten S. Risager.
Newly employed 2024.08.21 Joan Ferrer Rodríguez, PhD student Joan is employed as a PhD student from 1 September 2024, working with the Algebra and Geometry Section.
Honour 2024.07.02 Søren Galatius receives award from the association AMR The Association for Mathematical Research (AMR) has July 1st 2024 awarded Professor Søren Galatius from University of Copenhagen the new Fred R. Cohen Prize.
Clay Research Fellow 2024.06.18 Ishan Levy, postdoc Ishan Levy started on 1 June 2024 as a postdoc in the section for Algebra and Geometry. He is a Clay Research Fellow and has chosen to bring his grant with him to Copenhagen.
Research 2024.06.11 Mathematicians Attempt to Glimpse Past the Big Bang The headline is from Quanta Magazine. They describe the research by GeoTop postdoc Eric Ling and two of his collaborators.
Appointment 2024.06.04 Damian Osajda, professor The Dean has appointed Damian Osajda as Professor of Mathematics at the Department for Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, from 1 June 2024.
Promotion 2024.06.03 Robert Burklund, Associate Professor Robert Burklund joins us in a permanent position, as Associate Professor of Mathematics, starting June 1, 2024.
Research grant 2024.05.28 Marie Curie grant to Adela Zhang Postdoc Adela (YiYu) Zhang has won the competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, which she will carry at our department during the next two years.
Funding 2024.01.24 Robert Burklund receives Villum Young Investigator Grant Robert Burklund, a postdoc at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, has received DKK 7 million from the VILLUM Young Investigator Program.
Obituary 2023.12.22 Obituary for Bent Fuglede With the death of Bent Fuglede, Denmark has lost one of its very important mathematicians and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Copenhagen has lost a highly valued teacher, researcher and colleague.
Research grants 2023.12.21 Semper Ardens grants to Bladt & Osajda Martin Bladt and Damian Osajda receive The Carlsberg Foundation’s Semper Ardens Accelerate grant. Bladt will find statistical tools that can provide more accurate risk assessment for catastrophic events. Osajda will…
Newly employed 2023.11.17 Priya Kaveri, PhD student Priya Kaveri Vydhyanathapuram Venkitadri started on 1 November 2023 as a PhD student in the department’s section for algebra and geometry.
Newly employed 2023.11.06 Chi Ho Yuen, postdoc Chi Ho will be affiliated with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology, working with Karim Adiprasito.
Newly employed 2023.10.27 Harish Upadhyaya, PhD student Harish Upadhyaya was employed as a PhD student from October 2023 at the Algebra & Geometry Section.
Visiting researcher 2023.10.09 Thomas Blom, visiting researcher Thomas Blom is affiliated as a visiting researcher for the next year with the section for Algebra & Geometry and the Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2023.10.03 Isaac Moselle, 4+4 PhD student Isaac Moselle was employed in September 2023 as a 4+4 PhD student in the Algebra & Geometry Section. He will be working with the Copenhagen Center for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop).
Newly employed 2023.09.27 Martín Blufstein, postdoc Martín Blufstein is hired from October 1st 2023 as a postdoc for two years under the supervision of Damian Osajda.
Newly employed 2023.09.18 Adela Zhang, postdoc Adela (YiYu) Zhang started as a postdoc on 1 September 2023 at the Centre for Geometry and Topology. Her mentor is Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2023.09.04 Jonathan Clivio, PhD student Jonathan Clivio started on 1 September 2023 as a PhD student in the section for Algebra & Geometry, working with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2023.08.30 Florian Riedel, PhD student Florian Riedel has been employed from 1 September 2023 as a PhD student at the department’s Algebra & Geometry section, affiliated with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2023.08.29 Azélie Picot, PhD student Azélie Picot has begun a PhD at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in September 2023. She will be working with the “Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology”.
2023.08.25 Counterexamples to Ravenel's telescope conjecture An Old Conjecture Falls, Spheres are a Lot More Complicated
Newly employed 2023.08.14 Adrien Morin, postdoc Adrien Morin is 1 August 2023 employed as a postdoc in the Algebra & Geometry section, working with Fabien Pazuki.
Research grants 2023.06.12 Independent research funds for number theory and combinatorics Independent Research Fund Denmark has awarded two projects to the department, a total of DKK 9 million. Joachim Kock, Jamin Matz, and Morten S. Risager will receive funding for their research into combinatorial…
Newly employed 2023.03.28 Keshav Aggarwal, postdoc Keshav Aggarwal is employed as a postdoc in the Algebra & Geometry Section from 1 April 2023. His mentor is Jasmin Matz.
EliteResearch 2023.02.21 Elite Research Travel Grant to Maxime Ramzi PhD student at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Maxime Ramzi, received 20 January a travel grant of DKK 200,000 at the annual Elite Research award ceremony. It makes it possible for him to do a long-term researc…
Appointment 2023.01.24 Hélène Esnault, Professor Professor Hélène Esnault is employed part-time at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, UCPH, from January 2023. She will work here three months every year from January to March with the Algebra and Geometry section.
Newly employed 2023.01.19 Eric Ling, postdoc Eric Ling is employed as a postdoc from 1 January 2023 in the section of Algebra & Geometry. He will be working at the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Mathmatics 2023.01.16 COVID calculations spur solution to old problem in computer science Mathematician from University of Copenhagen was keen to forecast the evolvement of the COVID epidemic. Instead, he ended up solving a problem which had troubled computer scientists for decades.
Newly employed 2022.11.01 Anton Rask Lundborg, postdoc Anton Rask Lundborg started on 17 November 2022 as a postdoc in the department’s section for Statistics and Probability Theory.
Newly employed 2022.10.26 Adel Betina, postdoc Adel Betina was employed as a postdoc at the department on 1 October 2022. He is working with the Algebra & Geometry Section with prof. Ian Kiming as postdoc mentor.
Newly employed 2022.10.26 Benjamin Briggs, postdoc Benjamin Briggs is a postdoc in the Algebra and Geometry section, starting 1 October 2022.
Newly employed 2022.10.10 Desirée Gijón Gómez, PhD student Desirée is employed as a PhD student from 1 October 2022 in the Algebra and Geometry Section, under the supervision of Fabien Pazuki.
Newly employed 2022.10.08 Fadi Mezher, PhD student Fadi Mezher has been employed at the department since 1 October 2022; first as a research assistant, and from January 2023 as a PhD student.
Newly employed 2022.10.05 Alex Mramor, postdoc Alex Mramor is employed as a postdoc in the section for Algebra & Geometry, working with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2022.10.03 Arina Voorhaar, postdoc Arina Voorhaar started as a postdoc in the section Algebra & Geometry on the first of October 2022.
Newly employed 2022.09.20 Tim With Berland, PhD student Tim is employed as a PhD fellow from 1 September 2022 in the Algebra and Geometry section, and his PhD supervisor is Jasmin Matz.
Newly employed 2022.09.12 Qingyuan Bai, PhD student Qingyuan Bai was employed as a PhD student from 1 September 2022 in the section for Algebra and Geometry.
Appointment 2022.09.07 Damian Osajda, associate professor Damian Osajda has been appointed as Associate Professor at the Department for Mathematical Sciences from 1 September 2022.
Newly employed 2022.09.06 Branko Juran, PhD student On the first of September 2022, Branko Juran started as a PhD student at the department’s section for Algebra & Geometry and the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2022.08.30 Marius Kjærsgaard, 4+4 PhD student Marius is employed as a so-called 4+4 PhD student from 1 September 2022. He will be working with the Algebra and Geometry section and the GeoTop centre.
Newly employed 2022.08.29 Oscar Bendix Harr, PhD student As of 1 September 2022, Oscar Bendix Harr will be a PhD student at the GeoTop centre. His supervisors are Jesper Grodal and Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2022.08.10 Jan Steinebrunner, postdoc Jan Steinebrunner started on 1 August 2022 as a postdoc associated with the AG section and the GeoTop Centre. He will be working with Søren Galatius and Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2022.08.02 Robert Burklund, postdoc Robert Burklund started on 18 July 2022 as a postdoc at the Algebra and Geometry section, associated with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Awards 2022.06.13 The Clay Research Award to Galatius & Randal-Williams The 2022 Clay Research Award are made to Søren Galatius (University of Copenhagen) and Oscar Randal-Williams (University of Cambridge) for their profound contributions to the understanding of high dimensional manifolds…
Honor 2022.05.20 Diploma Award to Dustin Clausen Associate Professor Dustin Clausen has received the Hartmann Foundation's Diploma Prize 2022 for his work on developing and understanding the deep connection between geometry and number theory, two basic fields in…
Newly employed 2022.02.02 Dani Kaufman, postdoc Dani Kaufman was employed 1 February 2022 at the Algebra and Geometry section and the Center for Geometry and Topology. She will be working with Søren Galatius and Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2022.01.03 Oskar Henriksson, PhD student Oskar Henriksson is employed as a PhD student at the department from 1 January 2022. He will be working with two of the department’s sections, both Algebra & Geometry and the section for Statistics and Probability…
Research grants 2021.12.17 Carlsberg research grants to number theory and geometric analysis Associate Professors Jasmin Matz and Niels Martin Møller both receive the Carlsberg Foundation Young Researcher Fellowships.
Newly employed 2021.10.25 Nuno Hultberg, PhD student Nuno Hultberg was employed as a PhD student on 1 October 2021, working with the Algebra & Geometry Section under the supervision of Fabien Pazuki and Lars Kühne.
Newly employed 2021.10.06 Nils Matthes, postdoc Nils Matthes is employed at Copenhagen University from 1 October 2021 working in the Algebra & Geometry section with Morten S. Risager. He is funded by a Walter-Benjamin fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft…
Newly employed 2021.10.04 Pierre Elis, PhD student Pierre Elis was in September 2021 employed as a PhD student at the department’s section for Algebra & Geometry.
Newly employed 2021.09.28 Shachar Carmeli, postdoc Shachar Carmeli was employed on 1 September 2021 as a postdoc in the department’s section of Algebra & Geometry, working with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2021.09.03 Jurij Volcic, postdoc Jurij Volcic is employed as a postdoc at the department from 1 September 2021, associated with both the Analysis & Quantum and Algebra & Geometry sections, and the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory.
Newly employed 2021.09.03 Maxime Ramzi, PhD student Maxime Ramzi is employed as a PhD student starting in September. He will be working with the Algebra & Geometry Section and the GeoTop Centre, under the supervision of Jesper Grodal and Markus Land.
Newly employed 2021.09.02 Dagur Tomas Asgeirsson, PhD student Dagur Tomas Asgeirsson is employed as a PhD student from 1 September 2021. He will be working with the Centre for Geometry and Topology under the supervision of Dustin Clausen.
Newly employed 2021.08.31 Ronno Das, postdoc Ronno Das is employed from 1 September 2021 as a postdoc, working with the Algebra and Geometry section, specifically in the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Obituary 2021.08.23 Obituary of Asmus Schmidt Our longtime colleague, associate professor Asmus Schmidt has passed away. His work manifested itself in research, teaching and administration.
Research grants 2021.08.19 Marie Curie grants to Moon, Schmidt and Kock Two postdocs and an associate professor have each won a competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, which they will carry at our department during the next two years. They will research in spectral gap stability,…
Newly employed 2021.08.09 Nasrin Altafi, postdoc Nasrin Altafi is employed from 1 August 2021 as a postdoc at the Algebra & Geometry Section. She will be working with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2021.08.09 Joachim Kock, associate professor Joachim Kock is employed for two years as an associate professor on a Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship. He will be working with the section for Algebra & Geometry and the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and…
ICM 2022 2021.07.09 Tobias Holck Colding to give Plenary Lecture at ICM Adjunct professor Tobias Holck Colding will be Plenary Lecturer at The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in St Petersburg, Russia, July 2022.
Research grant 2021.07.01 International Postdoctoral Grant to three young mathematicians The Independent Research Fund Denmark makes it possible for three researchers, educated at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, to do research on arithmetic statistics in Paris, graphs and operator algebra in…
Grant 2021.04.27 Marie Curie grant to Lars Kühne’s research in diophantine geometry Lars Kühne, postdoc at the Algebra & Geometry section, has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship to support his research project "Diophantine Geometry" here at our department.
Newly employed 2021.04.19 Arindam Biswas, postdoc Arindam Biswas started on 1 February 2021 as a postdoc in the section for Algebra & Geometry, working with the GeoTop Centre.
Newly employed 2021.03.31 Máté Telek, PhD student Máté Telek is employed as a PhD student on 1 April 2021, working with the Algebra & Geometry Section and the Section for Statistics and Probability Theory.
Newly employed 2021.01.06 Mikala Ørsnes Jansen, postdoc Mikala was employed as a postdoc from 28th of December 2020 in the GeoTop Centre and the Algebra & Geometry section. Her mentor is Dustin Clausen.
Appointment 2020.11.18 Hans Plesner Jakobsen appointed Affiliated Professor The Dean has appointed Hans Plesner Jakobsen - former Head of the Section for Mathematics - Affiliated Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Experiments 2020.11.16 Research-based teaching in experimental mathematics Closer integrating research in teaching is a focus area for the University of Copenhagen. It is now being tested at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in the field of Experimental Mathematics.
Newly employed 2020.11.04 Vignesh Subramanian, PhD student Vignesh Subramanian started at the department 1 September 2020 as a PhD student at the section for Algebra and Geometry.
Newly employed 2020.10.21 Patrick Schnider, postdoc Patrick Schnider is employed as postdoc from 1 October 2020 in the section for Algebra & Geometry and the GeoTop Centre.
Newly employed 2020.10.08 John Ma, postdoc John Ma was employed as a postdoc 1 October 2020, associated with the Algebra & Geometry Section and the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2020.10.08 Adriano Córdova, PhD student Adriano Cordova was employed from 1 September 2020 as a PhD student associated with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2020.10.05 Sergey Avvakumov, postdoc Sergey Avvakumov started at the Department of Mathematical Sciences 1 August 2020 as a postdoc associated with the section Algebra & Geometry.
Newly employed 2020.10.05 Lukas Jannik Woike, postdoc Lukas Jannik Woike is employed as a postdoc from 1 October 2020. He will join the Algebra & Geometry Section where his mentor will be Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2020.09.29 Andrea Bianchi, postdoc Andrea Bianchi started on 1 October 2020 as a postdoc in the GeoTop Centre and the Algebra & Geometry Section. His mentor is Nathalie Wahl.
2020.09.24 Postdoc Positions in Mathematics Postdoc Positions in Mathematics at the University of Copenhagen.
Appointment 2020.09.09 Niels Martin Møller, Associate Professor of Mathematics The Dean has appointed Niels Martin Møller as Associate Professor of Mathematics at the Department for Mathematical Sciences from 1 September 2020.
Newly employed 2020.09.02 Ali Muhammad, PhD student Ali Muhammad is employed as a PhD student as of September 1st 2020, with the Algebra and Geometry Section and the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop).
APPOINTMENT 2020.08.25 Fabien Pazuki, professor of Mathematics The Dean has appointed Fabien Pazuki as Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Science from 1 August 2020.
2020.08.19 Dustin Clausen, associate professor Dustin Clausen started 1 August 2020 as an associate professor in the Algebra & Geometry Section.
Newly employed 2020.08.14 Lars Kühne, postdoc Lars Kühne was employed as a postdoc 1 August 2020, associated with the section Algebra & Geometry. His mentor is Fabien Pazuki.
Symposium 2020.08.12 Opening symposium in the new GeoTop Centre Copenhagen Center for Geometry and Topology will address the array of fundamental and unanswered questions in mathematics that lie at the intersection of geometry and topology. The opening of the centre will be marked b…
Newly employed 2020.08.10 Hailun Zheng, postdoc Hailun Zheng started as a postdoc on 1 August 2020. She is a member of the Algebra & Geometry Section. Her mentor is Karim Adiprasito.
Newly employed 2020.06.26 Jingxuan Zhang, PhD student Jingxuan is employed at the Department for Mathematical Sciences from 1 July 2020, where he will be associated with the Centre for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop).
Newly employed 2020.06.11 Johanna Kristina Steinmeyer, PhD student Johanna Kristina Steinmeyer started in February 2020 as a PhD student, associated with the Algebra & Geometry section.
Newly employed 2020.06.11 Peter Patzt, postdoc Peter Patzt started 1 June 2020 as a postdoc at the GeoTop Centre and the Algebra & Geometry Section.
Grants 2020.06.10 Three new mathematical research projects are launched with DFF support The Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) supports this year three researchers from the Department of Mathematical Sciences with grants of between two and 2.9 million DKK.
Awards 2020.05.15 The EMS Prize to Adiprasito and Nam The European Mathematical Society (EMS) awards every fourth year 10 young researchers for excellent contributions in mathematics. This year, Karim Adiprasito and Phan Thành Nam are among the winners. The first is a…
Newly employed 2020.04.16 Benjamin Brück, postdoc Benjamin Brück started as a postdoc at 1 April 2020 and will stay in Copenhagen for six months. He is a member of the Algebra & Geometry Section and the Centre for Geometry and Topology. His mentor is Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2020.04.03 Calista Bernard, research assistent Calista is employed as a research assistant at the section for Algebra & Geometry, where she will work with Søren Galatius and the new GeoTop Centre.
Newly employed 2020.04.02 Jan Tapdrup, Centre Administrator at GeoTop Based at his home office, Jan Tapdrup took up the position as center administrator at Copenhagen Center for Geometry and Topology on April 1st 2020.
grants 2020.02.06 Five new Marie Curie Fellows The Department has been awarded five of the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships. Congratulations to the five postdoc fellows and their mentors.
inauguration 2020.01.14 Inaugural lectures by Jonas Peters and Karim Adiprasito Jonas Peters, Professor of Statistics, and Karim Adiprasito, Professor of Mathematics, will give their inaugural lectures Friday 24 January 2020 at 13:30 followed by a reception.
Newly employed 2019.12.02 Piotr Pstrągowski, postdoc Piotr was employed at the Department from 1’st October 2019, affiliated with the Topology group. His mentor is Jesper Grodal.
Newly employed 2019.10.31 Severin Mejak, PhD student Severin is employed as a PhD student at the Department from 1st of November 2019, associated with the research group Algebra & Number Theory. His advisor is Asger Törnquist.
Newly employed 2019.10.31 Nanna Havn Aamand, 4+4 PhD student Nanna started as a 4+4 PhD student at the Department on September 1st 2019, associated with the Topology research group. Her principal PhD advisor is Professor Nathalie Wahl.
mathematics 2019.10.23 World leading mathematicians to solve mysteries at the interface of geometry and topology An array of fundamental and unanswered questions in mathematics lie at the intersection of geometry and topology. With a 60 million kroner grant from the Danish National Research Foundation to establish a new research…
Newly employed 2019.10.07 Bernardo Villarreal Herrera, postdoc Bernardo started as a postdoc in the Topology Group on 1 October 2019. His mentor is Søren Galatius, and he is partially supported by a CONACYT (Mexico) fellowship.
Newly employed 2019.10.03 Markus Land, visiting postdoc Markus Land arrived at the Department on October 1st, 2019, as a postdoc visiting the topology group through a stipend from the German Science Foundation.
Grant 2019.09.27 Marie Curie grant to Simon Gritschacher Simon Gritschacher, postdoc at the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation, has won the competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, which he will carry at our department.
Award 2019.09.20 Award to mathematician for best PhD thesis Manuel Krannich today receives one of the three awards awarded by the SCIENCE Faculty for the best PhD dissertation of the year (submitted in 2018). He receives the award for the thesis "On characteristic classes of…
Newly employed 2019.09.11 Sam Nariman, postdoc Sam Nariman was employed 1 September 2019 at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, associated with the Center for Symmetry and Deformation and the research groups Topology and Algebra & Number Theory.
Newly employed 2019.09.11 Alexis Aumonier, 4+4 PhD student Alexis Aumonier is employed as a 4+4 PhD student. It means, he will finish his Master’s degree here, and then work as a PhD student at the department.
Newly employed 2019.09.11 Guchuan Li, postdoc Guchuan Li is employed as a postdoc researcher since 1 September 2019, associated with the Center for Symmetry and Deformation. He will be working with two research groups: Topology and Algebra & Number Theory.
Newly employed 2019.09.10 Alexander Frei, PhD student Alexander Frei is employed as a PhD student, working with the section for Topology, Functional Analysis and Algebra. His supervisor is Søren Eilers.
Appointment 2019.09.10 Karim Adiprasito, professor of Mathematics The Dean has appointed Karim Adiprasito as Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Science from 1 September 2019.
Newly employed 2019.09.06 Adam Dor-On, postdoc Adam Dor-On is employed as a Marie Skłowdowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Department, where he will work with the research group Non-Commutative Geometry.
Grant 2019.08.21 International postdoctoral grant to Martin Speirs The Independent Research Fund Denmark is investing just under DKK 22 million this year in 16 younger researchers' careers and original ideas, which have the potential to grow significantly in an international research…
Visiting 2019.07.02 Calista Bernard, visiting PhD student Calista is a visiting PhD student affiliated with the Topology group and the Center for Symmetry and Deformation. Her advisor is Søren Galatius.
Newly employed 2019.03.04 Beatriz Pascual Escudero, postdoc at MBIO Beatriz Pascual Escudero is employed at the department as a postdoc from March 1st 2019. She is affiliated with the research groups Algebra & Number Theory and Mathematics of reaction networks (MBIO).
Newly employed 2018.12.06 Robin Sroka, PhD student at SYM Robin Sroka has been employed as a PhD student since September 1st, 2018. He works in the Topology group at the Center for Symmetry and Deformation with Professor Nathalie Wahl as his principal advisor.
Newly employed 2018.12.04 Linda Frey, postdoc Linda Frey started October 1st 2018 as a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen. She will be working with the research group Algebra and Number Theory.
Newly employed 2018.10.31 Kaif Hilman, 4+4 PhD student Kaif Hilman is employed as a PhD student, working with the research group Topology and Center for Symmetry and Deformation, from 1 September 2018.
Newly employed 2018.10.24 Thomas Wasserman, postdoc at TOP Thomas Wasserman started as a Postdoc at the Department for Mathematical Sciences 1 October 2018 in the research group Topology. He will be mentored by Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2018.10.24 Renee Hoekzema, postdoc at TOP Renee Hoekzema started on the 1st of October 2018 as a postdoc in the Topology group, mentored by Søren Galatius.
Newly employed 2018.10.03 Ryomei Iwasa, postdoc at SYM Ryomei Iwasa started on 1st October 2018 as a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen. He will be working with the research groups Topology and Algebra & Number Theory, affiliated with Center for Symmetry and…
Newly employed 2018.10.01 Cody Gunton, postdoc at SYM Cody Gunton began as a postdoc at the departments Centre for Symmetry and Deformation on 1 October 2018.
Newly employed 2018.09.11 Francesco Campagna, PhD student at ALG Francesco Campagna started 1 September 2018 as a PhD student at the department. He will be working with the research group Algebra and Number Theory and the Center for Symmetry and Deformation, under the supervision of…
Newly employed 2018.09.05 Luigi Pagano, PhD student Luigi Pagano is employed as PhD student at the Department of Mathematical Sciences from 1 September 2018. He will be working with two research groups: Algebra and Number Theory plus Topology.
Newly employed 2018.09.03 Farbod Shokrieh, postdoc at SYM Farbod Shokrieh started at the department on 1 September 2018. He will be part of the Centre for Symmetry and Deformations as well as a member of the Algebra and Number Theory group.
Newly employed 2018.07.03 Elden Elmanto, postdoc Elden Elmanto starts at the University of Copenhagen on 15 July 2018. He will be working with the research groups Algebra and Number Theory and Topology – and the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation.
Lecture 2018.06.06 Inaugural lecture by Morten S. Risager Professor of mathematics Morten S. Risager will give his inaugural lecture at Department of Mathematical Sciences Friday 15 June 2018 at 14:15, followed by a reception.
APPOINTMENT 2018.04.13 Morten S. Risager, professor of mathematics The Dean has appointed Morten S. Risager Professor of Mathematics (Analytic number theory) at the Department of Mathematical Sciences from 1 April 2018.
Research 2017.12.05 ERC Consolidator Grant to Nathalie Wahl The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded Nathalie Wahl a Consolidator Grant for her research in topology.
Fellowships 2017.11.27 Marie Curie grants to two SYM postdocs Tobias Barthel and Gábor Szabo, postdoc researchers from the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation, have won the competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, which they will carry at our department.
Fellow 2017.11.07 Jesper Grodal elected as Fellow of the American Mathematical Society Professor Jesper Grodal from MATH at University of Copenhagen is honored for his contributions to algebraic topology, representation theory and their interactions - and for service to the profession.
Newly employed 2017.10.19 Kaj Börjeson, postdoc at SYM Kaj Börjeson will join the department as a postdoc from October 2017, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. He will be working with the topology research group and the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation.…
AWARD PRESENTATION 2017.10.10 Renowned mathematician to be awarded honorary doctorate Professor Karen Vogtmann, world-renowned for her research in topology and geometric group theory, will be awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Copenhagen on November 17, upon the recommendation of the…
Newly employed 2017.10.02 Simon Gritschacher, postdoc at SYM Simon Gritschacher joined the topology group and the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation as a postdoc on 1 October 2017. His postdoc mentor is Professor Jesper Grodal.
Newly employed 2017.09.12 Zhipeng Duan, PhD student at TOP Zhipeng Duan is employed as a PhD student from 1 September 2017. He will join the topology group with Professor Jesper Michael Møller as supervisor.
Newly employed 2017.08.25 Riccardo Pengo, PhD student Riccardo Pengo is employed as a PhD student in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. He arrived on 1 September 2017 to work in the Algebra and Number Theory group under the joint supervision of Ian Kiming and Fabien…
Newly employed 2017.08.25 Márton Hablicsek, postdoc Márton Hablicsek started 1 August as a postdoc in the Section for Topology, Functional Analysis and Algebra. He will be working with Centre for Symmetry and Deformation. His postdoc mentor is Professor Ryszard Nest.
Newly employed 2017.08.02 Georgios Dalezios, visiting PhD student George is a PhD student under the double degree programme; his supervisors are Henrik Holm from MATH and Sergio Estrada from the University of Murcia (Spain).
Newly employed 2017.07.28 Philipp Schmitt, PhD student Philipp Schmitt is employed as a PhD student at the Department of Mathematical Sciences from 1 September 2017. His principal PhD supervisor is Ryszard Nest.
Prize 2017.02.27 Elite Research Prize won by Søren Galatius On February 23, Professor Søren Galatius of the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Mathematical Sciences received one of five Elite Research Prizes presented annually by the Minister for Higher Education and…
Newly employed 2017.01.05 Daniel Bergh, postdoc Daniel Bergh started at the University of Copenhagen at 1 January 2017, as a postdoc funded by Lars Hesselholt's Niels Bohr professorship.
Newly employed 2016.11.18 Asbjørn Christian Nordentoft, PhD student Asbjørn Christian Nordentoft has been employed from October 1st, 2016, as a PhD student on the 4+4 scheme at the Department of Mathematical Sciences working with the research group for Algebra and Number Theory.
Newly employed 2016.10.11 Mikala Ørsnes Jansen, PhD student at Topology Mikala Ørsnes Jansen is employed as a PhD student as of October 1st 2016 and will be working in the research group Topology with Søren Galatius as her PhD adviser.
Newly employed 2016.10.10 Tobias Barthel, postdoc at SYM Tobias Barthel is employed as a postdoc from 1 September 2016, in a three year position. He will be working with the Topology research group and the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation.
Newly employed 2016.07.28 Alexander Kupers, postdoc at SYM Alexander Kupers is employed as a postdoc from 1 July 2016. He will be working with the topology research group and the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation.
New Professor 2016.04.07 Søren Galatius, professor of topology The Dean has appointed Søren Galatius Professor of Topology at the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Newly employed 2016.03.02 Vibeke Quorning, PhD student Vibeke Quorning is employed as a PhD student at MATH from 15 February 2016. She is partially founded by Lars Hesselholt's Niels Bohr Professorship.
RESEARCH GRANT 2016.02.12 Upcoming MATH professor receives ERC Grant European Research Council (ERC) has today announced that the Danish mathematician, Professor Søren Galatius, is awarded the prestigious 2015 Consolidator Grant.
Grant 2016.02.05 Marie Curie grant to Sinan Yalin MATH postdoc Sinan Yalin has received a Marie Curie Research Fellowship. The 166,829 € grant will be hosted at the Center for Symmetry and Deformation.
Newly employed 2016.01.15 Sinan Yalin, postdoc Sinan Yalin is employed as a postdoc from 1 January 2016. He will be associated with the research groups Topology and Non-Commutative Geometry and the Center for Symmetry and Deformation.
Newly employed 2015.11.18 Manuel Krannich, research assistant and PhD student Manuel Krannich is employed as a research assistant until the beginning January 2016, where he will start as a PhD student.
2015.10.09 Rune Haugseng, new postdoc Rune Haugseng is employed as a postdoc from 1 October 2015. He will be working with the research group in topology and the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation. Rune, who is a Norwegian citizen, did his undergraduate…
2015.09.29 Niko Laaksonen, visiting postdoc Niko Laaksonen is a postdoctoral visitor of Morten Risager and is funded by the London Mathematical Society 150th Anniversary Postdoctoral Mobility Grant. He will be staying at MATH between 28th September 2015 and 27th…
2015.09.22 Simon Rose, new postdoc Simon Rose is employed as a postdoc, associated with the research groups Topology and Algebra & Number Theory. He will primarily be working with Lars Halle. Simon is interested in the intersections between Number Theory…
2015.09.18 Guozhen Wang, new postdoc Guozhen Wang was employed as a postdoc at MATH on September 1st, 2015. He will be working with the research groups Algebra & Number Theory and Topology – and with Centre for Symmetry and Deformation. Guozhen received hi…
event 2015.09.18 Invitation to the 2015 Ostrowski Prize Ceremony The 2015 Ostrowski Prize is awarded to Professor Peter Scholze, University of Bonn, Germany. All interested are invited to the Ceremony which takes place on Friday 30 October 2015 in Copenhagen.
2015.09.08 Gijs Heuts, new postdoc Gijs Heuts is employed as postdoc at MATH from September 1st 2015. He is associated with the research groups Topology and Algebra & Number Theory - and with the Center for Symmetry and Deformation. His postdoc mentor is…
2015.09.03 Oscar Marmon, new postdoc Oscar Marmon started as a postdoc in the Algebra and Number Theory group on 1st September 2015, funded by a postdoc grant from the Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation in Sweden. His postdoc mentor is Morten Risager. Osca…
PhD student 2015.06.09 Ryo Horiuchi, PhD student Ryo Horiuchi is employed as a PhD student at MATH from June 2015, funded by Lars Hesselholt's Niels Bohr Professorship.
Postdoc 2014.12.08 Michal Adamaszek, postdoc Michal Adamaszek started in a postdoc position at the Department of Mathematical Sciences December 1st 2014. He is associated with research group Experimental Mathematics.
Newly employed 2014.11.24 Nadim Rustom, postdoc Nadim Rustom was employed as postdoc at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in October 2014. He is a member of the Algebra and Number Theory group and the Experimental Mathematics group.
PhD student 2014.11.04 Annelies Jaspers, PhD student Annelies Jaspers is a PhD student – since October 2013 – from University of Leuven, Belgium. From September 2014 she is also enrolled as a phd-student at MATH/UCPH.
2014.10.28 Dino Destefano, PhD student Dino Destefano started as PhD student October 1st 2014 in the Algebra and Number Theory Group at MATH, UCPH. He is founded by Lars Hesselholt's Niels Bohr Professorship. Dino's supervisor is Ian Kiming and his PhD…
Postdoc 2014.10.06 Piotr Maciak, postdoc Piotr Maciak is employed at Department of Mathematical Sciences from the 1st of September, 2014, as a postdoc in the Algebra and Number Theory group.
2014.09.09 Kristian Jonsson Moi, postdoc Kristian Jonsson Moi is from 1 September 2014 employed as postdoc at the Department of Mathematical Sciences. He is affiliated with the topology research group and Centre for Symmetry and Deformation. Kristian took his…
Associate professor 2014.09.05 Fabien Pazuki, associate professor in algebraic number theory The Dean has appointed Fabien Pazuki as associate professor in algebraic number theory at the Department of Mathematical Sciences from 1 September 2014.
Associate professor 2014.08.07 Lars Halvard Halle, associate professor Lars Halvard Halle is employed as associate professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences from 1 August 2014, working with the research group Algebra and Number Theory.