Friday January 8th
0900 - 0930 Registration
0930 - 1030 Ulrike Tillmann
1100 - 1200 Ezra Getzler
Opening of the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation:
1330 - 1430 Joachim Cuntz
1500 - 1600 Michael Hopkins
1600 - 1615 Opening
1615 - Reception
Saturday January 9th
0900 - 1000 Wolfgang Lück
1030 - 1130 David Ayala
1200 - 1300 Graeme Segal
1600 - 1700 Richard Hepworth
1730 - 1830 Dennis Sullivan
1900 - Dinner in celebration of the 60th birthday of Professor John Jones
Sunday January 10th
0900 - 1000 Marcel Bökstedt
1015 - 1115 Markus Spitzweck
1130 - 1230 Ralph Cohen