Masterclass on
The theory of p-local compact groups
October 7-11, 2013
Content: Carles Broto, Ran Levi and Bob Oliver will give a coordinated exposition of p-local finite and p-local compact groups:
- Bob Oliver: three lectures with emphasis on p-local finite groups
- Carles Broto: three lectures with emphasis on p-local compact groups
- Ran Levi: one lecture on Adams operations
There will be additional related talks on topics including geometric constructions of p-local finite groups and a motivational surveys of p-compact groups and p-local methods for finite groups. Lectures will be supplemented by exercise and disscussion sessions.
- Carles Broto
- Jesper Grodal
- Ellen Henke
- Ian Leary
- Ran Levi
- Bob Oliver
- Nora Seeliger
Please also see our calendar for individual announcements of talks.
Organizer: John Foley
- Carles Broto (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Tyrone Crisp (University of Copenhagen)
- Dieter Degrijse (University of Copenhagen)
- John Foley (University of Copenhagen)
- Jesper Grodal (University of Copenhagen)
- Ellen Henke (University of Copenhagen)
- Martin Wedel Jacobsen (University of Copenhagen)
- Isabelle Laude (University of Copenhagen)
- Ian Leary (University of Southampton)
- Ran Levi (University of Aberdeen)
- Toni Lozano Bagén (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Julia C. Magnusson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
- Rémi Molinier (Universite Paris 13)
- Jesper Møller (University of Copenhagen)
- Bob Oliver (Universite Paris 13)
- Tomasz Prytuła (University of Copenhagen)
- Sune Precht Reeh (University of Copenhagen)
- Nora Seeliger (Australian National University)
- Markus Szymik (University of Copenhagen)
- Massimilian Ungheretti (University of Copenhagen)
Related references and links:
- Aschbacher, M., Kessar, R. & Bob Oliver, B. (2011). Fusion Systems in Algebra and Topology, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Vol. 391
- Broto, C., Levi, R. & Oliver, B. (2006). The theory of p-local groups: a survey, Homotopy theory: relations with algebraic geometry, group cohomology, and algebraic K-theory, 51-84 Contemporary Math. 346, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2004
- Broto, C., Levi, R. & Oliver, B. (2006). 'A geometric construction of saturated fusion systems'. Contemporary Mathematics, vol 399, pp. 11-40.
- Broto, C., Levi, R. & Oliver, B. (2007). 'Discrete models for the p-local homotopy theory of compact Lie groups and p-compact groups'. Geometry & Topology, vol 11, pp. 315-427.
- Levi, R., Broto, C. & Oliver, B. (2011) An algebraic model for finite loop spaces, arXiv:1212.2033
- Levi, R., Broto, C. & Oliver, B. (in press). 'The rational cohomology of a p-local compact group'. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
- Grodal, Jesper (2010). The classification of p-compact groups and homotopical group theory. Proc. Intl. Congress of Mathematicians 2010 (Hyderabad, 2010), Volume II, 973–1001.
- Junod, FA., Levi, R. & Libman, A. (2012). 'Unstable Adams operations on p-local compact groups'. Algebraic & Geometric Topology, vol 12, no. 1, pp. 49-74.
- Leary, Ian J. and Stancu, Radu (2007) Realising fusion systems. Algebra and Number Theory, 1, (1), 17-34.