2015.09.18 New centre for the mathematics of quantum theory The VILLUM FONDEN has granted 30 million DKK to the “Villum Centre of Excellence for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH)”.
2014.06.22 Elisenda Feliu receives prestigious Sapere Aude grant Assistant Professor Elisenda Feliu has received a Research Leader grant from the DFF/Sapere Aude programme. The grant is aimed at very talented researchers who have demonstrated the ability for original research at a…
2014.06.19 Thomas Mikosch receives DFF grant Professor Thomas Mikosch has received a grant of DKK 1,902,451 from the The Danish Council for Independent Research for the project "Large random matrices with heavy tails and dependence."
2014.03.07 Centre for Symmetry and Deformation renewed until 2019 With a DKK 40 million grant, the Danish National Research Foundation has renewed the Centre for Symmetry and Deformation at the Department of Mathematical Sciences for a second 5 year period 2015-2019.
2013.11.28 New center for computer-based mathematics education Center for Computational Mathematics Teaching, under the Department of Mathematical Sciences, provides the framework for new, exciting research and development for math teachers in high school.
2013.10.04 2 million DKK for research in number theory Anders Södergren, a postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, has received 2 million DKK for a two year project "Number Theory and Automorphic Forms in High Dimensions”.
2012.11.27 Professor Jan Philip Solovej receives ERC grant Professor in mathematics Jan Philip Solovej has passed the competitive selection
2012.07.12 Hesselholt receives Niels Bohr professorship Professor Lars Hesselholt has received a Niels Bohr professorship and its associated grant of DKK 30 million from the Danish National Research Foundation.
2012.06.01 Eilers receives grant from Villum Foundation Professor Søren Eilers has received a large grant from the VILLUM FONDEN.