Analysis & Quantum Seminars
The A&Q Seminars take place on Thursdays at 15:15 (CPH time). At the moment the seminar is held online via Zoom. To get access to the corresponding link, please contact Torben Krüger.
The seminar talks are 60 min in length with a 10-15 min question session at the end. They are meant for a broad audience, including all sections of analysis, mathematical physics, operator algebras, etc. External guests are welcome.
Schedule 2021
- 17 June 2021: Gabriel O. Samach, “Lindblad Tomography of a Superconducting Quantum Processor”
- 24 June 2021: Vitali Vougalter, “On the solvability of some systems of integro-differential equations with anomalous diffusion in higher dimensions"
- 9 September 2021: Norbert Schuch, "Tensor Networks and the entanglement structure of quantum many-body systems."
- 16 September 2021: no seminar
- 23 September 2021: Patrik Ferrari, "KPZ universality in mathematics and physics."
- 30 September 2021: Thomas Barthel, On the closedness and geometry of tensor network state sets
- 7 October 2021: Itamar Vigdorovich, Characters and their dynamics
- 14 October 2021: Yacin Ameur, An explicit charge-charge correlation function at the edge of a two-dimensional Coulomb droplet.
To get access to the seminar link, suggest speakers or request general information about the seminar, please contact Torben Krüger.