Solution group representations as quantum symmetries of graphs

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In 2019, Aterias et al. constructed pairs of quantum isomorphic, non-isomorphic graphs from linear constraint systems. This article deals with quantum automorphisms and quantum isomorphisms of colored versions of those graphs. We show that the quantum automorphism group of such a colored graph is the dual of the homogeneous solution group of the underlying linear constraint system. Given a vertex- and edge-colored graph with certain properties, we construct an uncolored graph that has the same quantum automorphism group as the colored graph we started with. Using those results, we obtain the first-known example of a graph that has quantum symmetry and finite quantum automorphism group. Furthermore, we construct a pair of quantum isomorphic, non-isomorphic graphs that both have no quantum symmetry.
TidsskriftJournal of the London Mathematical Society
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)3379-3410
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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