28. juli 2017

Philipp Schmitt, ph.d.-studerende


Philipp Schmitt er ansat som ph.d.-studerende ved Institut for Matematiske Fag fra 1. september 2017. Hans ph.d.-vejleder er Ryszard Nest.

Philipp SchmittTidligere studerede Philipp ved universitetet i Wuerzburg i Tyskland, hvor han fik sin bachelor- og kandidatgrad. Imellem var han i Cambridge i et år for at tage del III af ”the mathematical tripos”.

Philipps beskriver sine forskningsinteresser således:

“It’s primarily in the field of formal deformation quantization and its links to strict quantization. In my master thesis, I worked on a construction of strict Wick type star products on coadjoint orbits due to Karabegov. I could find a locally convex topology on the sphere with respect to which this star product becomes continuous”.

Philipp sidder i kontor 04.0.04.