18. februar 2025

Thomas Jan Mikhail, postdoc


Thomas er ansat fra 1. februar 2025 som postdoc i sektionen Algebra & Geometri og Center for Geometri og Topologi.

Thomas Jan Mikhail

“I started my studies with a bachelor's and a master's degree in physics. I did my master's at the University of Heidelberg, where my master's thesis was about Euclidean wormholes in quantum gravity and was supervised by Arthur Hebecker.

“After my master's I moved to Barcelona for a PhD in mathematics under the supervision of Joachim Kock at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. My PhD thesis, which I will defend soon, is centered around type-theoretic foundations of higher category theory, and decomposition spaces.

“I'll be in Copenhagen from February until July for a six-month postdoc, to work with Joachim Kock on negative sets.”