Newly employed 2021.10.04 Leonard Henckel, postdoc Leonard Henckel is employed as a postdoc in the section Statistics and Probability Theory from 1 October 2021. He works with Jonas Peters in the Copenhagen Causality Lab.
Newly employed 2021.09.28 Shachar Carmeli, postdoc Shachar Carmeli was employed on 1 September 2021 as a postdoc in the department’s section of Algebra & Geometry, working with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2021.09.19 Sebastian Weichwald, assistant professor Sebastian Weichwald was 1 September 2021 employed as an assistant professor in the section for Statistics and Probability Theory, working in the Copenhagen Causality Lab (CoCaLa).
Newly employed 2021.09.16 Shimeng Huang, PhD student Shimeng Huang was 1 September 2021 employed as a PhD student at the section for Statistics and Probability Theory, working with the research group Copenhagen Causality Lab.
Newly employed 2021.09.16 Dmytro Marushkevych, postdoc Dmytro Marushkevych is employed as a postdoc on a Thiele Data Science Fellowship from 1 September 2021, affiliated with the Section for Statistics and Probability Theory.
Newly employed 2021.09.16 Munir Hiabu, assistant professor Munir Hiabu joined the department 1 September 2021 as tenure-track Assistant Professor in Data Science and Actuarial Mathematics, working in the Insurance and Economics section.
Intern 2021.09.14 Floriane Cornué, Research Assistant Floriane Cornué will be working as an intern for 3.5 months with Professor Susanne Ditlevsen and the Statistic and Probability section.
Newly employed 2021.09.03 Martin Tegnér, assistant professor Martin Tegnér was employed as a tenure-track assistant professor from 1 June 2021 in the section of Insurance and Economics.
Former employed 2021.09.03 Christophe Charlier, postdoc Christophe Charlier was employed as a postdoc on 1 September 2021, associated with Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory. He works in the research group of Torben Krüger.
Newly employed 2021.09.03 Jurij Volcic, postdoc Jurij Volcic is employed as a postdoc at the department from 1 September 2021, associated with both the Analysis & Quantum and Algebra & Geometry sections, and the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory.