Newly employed 2022.08.30 Marius Kjærsgaard, 4+4 PhD student Marius is employed as a so-called 4+4 PhD student from 1 September 2022. He will be working with the Algebra and Geometry section and the GeoTop centre.
Newly employed 2022.08.30 Luca De Gennaro Aquino, postdoc Luca De Gennaro Aquino is employed as a postdoc in the Insurance and Economics section from 1 September 2022. He will be working in the research group of Mogens Steffensen.
Nyansat 2022.08.29 Tommaso Aschieri, PhD student Tommaso Aschieri will from 1 September 2022 be employed as a PhD student at the department’s Analysis & Quantum section and the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH).
Newly employed 2022.08.29 Oscar Bendix Harr, PhD student As of 1 September 2022, Oscar Bendix Harr will be a PhD student at the GeoTop centre. His supervisors are Jesper Grodal and Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2022.08.29 Martin Bladt, postdoc Starting 1 September 2022, Martin Bladt is employed as a postdoc at the Department of Mathematical Sciences. He joins the section for Insurance and Economics.
Newly employed 2022.08.24 Søren Fournais, professor Professor Søren Fournais is employed at the Department of Mathematical Sciences for the next year. He will work with the section of Analysis & Quantum and will be associated with the centres QMATH and Quantum for Life.
Newly employed 2022.08.17 James Hyde, postdoc James Hyde was employed as a postdoc on 1 August 2022 in the Analysis & Quantum Section. His mentor is Magdalena Musat.
Newly employed 2022.08.12 Blazej Ruba, postdoc Blazej Ruba was employed on 1 August 2022 as a postdoc at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, associated with the Analysis & Quantum Section.
Newly employed 2022.08.10 Jan Steinebrunner, postdoc Jan Steinebrunner started on 1 August 2022 as a postdoc associated with the AG section and the GeoTop Centre. He will be working with Søren Galatius and Nathalie Wahl.
Newly employed 2022.08.04 Jakob Günther, PhD student Jakob Günther started 1 July 2022 as a PhD student at the Quantum for Life Centre and the section for Analysis & Quantum.